12 Things (1980)
![]() the Dry Bones BlogDedicated To Combating the Willful Rewriting of History and Fighting the Spread of Antisemitism |
Buzz of Israel's drones resonates throughout region(Reuters) - Service in the drone squadrons of Israel, the world's oldest military operator of pilotless aircraft, sometimes begins on the fields of teenaged model plane enthusiasts.Veteran air force officers scout new talent among radio-controlled model clubs, a drone commander said Monday during a rare media tour of his unit."It's a small world, where everyone knows everyone," said Major Gil, who under censorship regulations could not be identified by surname."Those youths who show promise and pass the initial tests are admitted to the course (after their conscription)," he said.Also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the drones that dot the skies of Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas of U.S.-led operations began as an Israeli idea for improving real-time battlefield intelligence after the 1967 Middle East war."We are the first air force that started to use UAVs in an operational way," Gil said.Israel's drones, like those of a few foreign powers, have since evolved into a sophisticated fleet of long-range surveillance platforms that are ever-present over the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon.""-moreMassive Bombs? According to Russia Today:
US toothless against Iran rock: Pentagon seeks new superbomb "Having considered the toughness of the rock-hidden Iranian nuclear facilities, America's Nutcracker military command has decided to save jaw and develop a new conventional superbomb, since the US still plans to do the job in Iran without nukes.Washington has once again reminded Tehran that it has the military capability to crack Iranian hard-target nuclear sites with conventional weapons, leaking to the Wall Street Journal plans to develop an even more effective bunker-buster bomb.The American military is no longer in love with the most powerful non-nuclear weapon it possesses, the Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), a 13,600-kilogram mammoth capable of penetrating deep underground facilities.The Pentagon paid around $330 million to Boeing to develop and produce 20 MOP bombs, specially developed to destroy bunkers in countries like Iran and North Korea.Now, the Defense Department intends to spend another $82 million, to make those bombs even more effective.An MOP is capable of penetrating 60 meters of reinforced concrete or 38 meters of hard rock, delivering 2,700 kg of explosives deep down, to reliably demolish anything manmade. Yet, in the case of Iran's Persian mountains, even this doesn't seem enough."-more
Labels: Ahmadinejad, bombs, Drones, Iran, Israel, Nukes, Technology, U.S.
Dozens killed in attacks on Nigerian ChristiansAnd from Ecumenical News International there's this:
"A FRESH wave of violence against churchgoers in Nigeria has left at least 27 people dead and heightened fears over security in Africa 's most populous country.The religiously motivated massacres -- three since last Thursday -- targeted Christians in Mubi and Gombe, towns in the north-east where a state of emergency was declared by President Goodluck Jonathan last week. Some 17 other deaths have been reported in other regions .There is growing concern that the government's inability to tackle the rising levels of sectarian violence, blamed on radical Islamic group Boko Haram , may result in hundreds of people fleeing their homes.The group is now carrying out weekly attacks on churches and police stations in northern and central areas.Islamic clerics who speak out against the violence have been assassinated."-more
Sudan churches encounter more hostility after independenceChristians and churches in Sudan are facing increased restrictions and hostility, since the secession of the southern part of the country six months ago, according to some church leaders.The leaders are highlighting arrests and abduction of Christians and threats directed at clergy, while warning of more challenges when the country implements Sharia (Islamic law).“Restrictions in Sudan are not new, but we are worried things are getting harder since the secession of the south. With Sharia law we expect things to get even harder,” the Rev. Mark Akec Cien, the Sudan Council of Churches, deputy general secretary of the told ENInews on Jan. 20 in a telephone interview."-more
Labels: Africa, Christians, Islamism, jihad, Nigerian, Sharia Law, Sudan
Labels: Arabs, Iran, Islamist, North Korea, Nukes, Shiites, Sunni, Turkey
Labels: 1980, Communism, religion, Roman Catholic, Shi'ite, Shuldig, Sunni, Zionist
Netanyahu denies calling "NY Times," "Haaretz" Israel's biggest enemies"Jerusalem Post" editor Steve Linde claims the prime minister told him "Haaretz" and "The New York Times" are the country's biggest enemies. . .. . .The Jerusalem Post" editor Steve Linde told a conference in Tel Aviv of the Women's International Zionist Organization (WIZO) on Wednesday, that Netanyahu made the remark to him about the newspapers at a private meeting "a couple of weeks ago" at the Prime Minister’s Office in Tel Aviv.In a recording of Linde's speech provided to the "JTA", Linde said, “He said, ‘You know, Steve, we have two main enemies.' And I thought he was going to talk about, you know, Iran, maybe Hamas. He said, ‘It’s The New York Times and Haaretz.’ He said, ‘They set the agenda for an anti-Israel campaign all over the world. Journalists read them every morning and base their news stories … on what they read in The New York Times and Haaretz'."Linde said he and other participants at the meeting asked Netanyahu whether he really thought that the media had that strong a role in shaping world opinion on Israel, and the prime minister replied, “Absolutely."-moreYour thoughts?
Labels: anti-Zionism, Bibi, Double Standard, Haaretz, Israel, Journalism, Media, Netanyahu, NY Times, Shuldig
Iran ‘has evidence’ CIA masterminded nuke scientist murder "Iran has sent two “letters of condemnation” in the wake of Wednesday’s killing of yet another Iranian nuclear scientist. Tehran is demanding a response from Washington and London for the attack, which was “guided” by the CIA and “assisted” by MI6.We have reliable documents and evidence that this terrorist act was planned, guided and supported by the CIA," the Iranian foreign ministry said in a rare letter handed to the Swiss ambassador in Tehran, according to state television.The Swiss Embassy has represented the USA in Iran since ties between the two countries were severed shortly after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.Another letter was sent to the British Embassy, claiming the British Foreign Intelligence Service, MI6, aided the CIA-led operation. The letter notes that the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists "started exactly after the British official John Sawers declared the beginning of intelligence operations against Iran," as quoted by the official Iranian Republic News Agency."-moreDo you think that's fair?
Labels: Ahmadinejad, Assassination, Computer Virus, Holy War, Iran, Israel, Nukes, Technology, War
Labels: 1973, email, fax, Post Office, Telecommunications
Labels: Cheese, China, dry bones project, History, Israel, Zionism
Iranian scientist involved in nuclear program killed in Tehran bomb attack"TEHRAN — A scientist linked to Iran’s nuclear program was killed in his car by a bomb-wielding assailant on Wednesday, a bold rush-hour attack that experts say points to a further escalation in a covert campaign targeting the country’s atomic officials and institutions.The precision hit in a northern Tehran neighborhood killed the 32-year-old chemical engineer employed at Iran’s main uranium-enrichment facility and brought to four the number of Iranian scientists killed by bombs in the past two years. No one asserted responsibility for the bombing, which prompted a swirl of accusations and denials as well as renewed concerns about worsening tensions between Iran and the West.An Iranian nuclear expert was killed Wednesday by a magnetic bomb attached to his car, state media reported. Officials were quoted as accusing Israel in the attack, suspected as part of a covert effort to set back Iran's nuclear program.U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that Iran's threats to close the Strait of Hormuz were provocative and dangerous. She also denied the U.S. had any role in the killing of an Iranian scientist.Iranian officials immediately accused the United States and Israel of orchestrating the attack on scientist Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, who was killed along with his bodyguard when an assailant on a motorcycle slapped a magnetic bomb on his car as he commuted to work, according to Iranian news reports. Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimiblamed the attack on “Zionists” and “those who claim they are against terrorism,” the semiofficial Fars News Agency reported."-moreYour thoughts?
Labels: Assassination, Iran, Nuclear Energy, Nukes, WMD
Walesa is ‘angry with democracy’Your thoughts?
10.01.2012 1
"Solidarity legend Lech Walesa has declared that he is “angry with democracy” and that Poles are not sufficiently “engaged” in politics. The former president made the remarks in an extensive interview with Polish commercial radio station Radio Zet."-more
Labels: economic crisis, Economy, Elections, Left, Presidency, presidential campaign, Right
Labels: Appeasement, Europe, Palestinians, PLO, Terrorism, the West
Labels: Afghanistan, Bush, Elections, Iran, Iraq, November, Obama, Presidency, War
Labels: Arab Spring, Arabs, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Libya, poker, Syria, Tunisia, U.S.A.
Labels: 1977, Currency, drugs, Egypt, Jerusalem, LSD, Peace, Sadat, Travel tax
Labels: Kim Jong Il Korea, Newt, Newt Becker, North Korea, Shuldig
Labels: anti-Zionism, Culture, demonstrations, Haredim, Israel, Jews, Police, religion, Segregation, Shuldig, Women