Sunday, November 30, 2014

the European Cowards

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding,Europe,appeasement, Jewish, Israel, Jewish State, Islamists,Islamism, antisemitism,
Help us fight antisemitism, appeasement, and Western apathy to the Plight of Mideast Christians Click to check out our indiegogo campaign

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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Judy Balint Interviews Dry Bones

Judy Balint just interviewed me on her Jerusalem Diaries Radio Show.You can hear the podcast of the whole 25 minute interview by clicking on this link:
Dry Bones: Why Have Cartoons Been Used Throughout History by Anti-Semites?Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding,antisemitism, interview, podcast,Judy Balint,
Yaakov Kirschen, award-winning creator of the long-running Dry Bones cartoons, explains to VOI's Judy Lash Balint why he's recruiting for a new campaign to fight anti-Semitism. Kirschen, who has been dubbed 'the cartoonist of the Jewish people' tells Judy how he got his start at Playboy magazine, and why cartoons have been used by anti-Semites throughout history.
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Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding, jewish, jews, Christians,

Help us fight antisemitism and Western apathy to the Plight of Mideast Christians! Click on:

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Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Jewish State

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding,Netanyahu, Bibi, Jewish, Israel, Jewish State, Islamists,Islamism, antisemitism,
From the Jerusalem Post:
"Recognition of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people is the basis of any future peace accord, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday, responding to critics both domestic and abroad claiming that the controversial “Jewish state” legislation will water down the country's democratic character." -more
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Help us fight antisemitism! Check out the opportunity at

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Turkey Day

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding,thanksgiving, turkey, passover, seder guilt, jewish, jews, holidays,
Don't feel guilty.
Help us fight antisemitism! Check out the opportunity at
Don't miss out!

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,Israel, America, Obama,John Kerry,Ferguson, riots,
According to cnn:

(CNN) -- "Screams of outrage. Crowds marching down streets, blocking intersections and interstates. Fists raised in silence.
As the Ferguson grand jury's decision was announced Monday night, protesters around the country -- who had begun to gather hours earlier -- responded in solidarity. In New York, a roving crowd wound its way through the city, surging to more than 1,000 in Times Square before heading toward the Upper West Side, CNN's Miguel Marquez tweeted. Photos: Reaction to Ferguson decision Photos: Reaction to Ferguson decision Earlier in the evening, about 200 people flocked to Union Square, brandishing signs that read, "Jail killer cops," and a large display, in lights: "Black lives matter."
Protesters knocked down barricades and headed toward the West Village before turning north, accompanied by police."

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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Looking at the Bright Side!

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding,thanksgiving, turkey, Syria, tourism, ISIS, IS,
Looking at the Bright Side.
Another peek at the bright side is the success of our indiegogo campaign!Check it out at
Don't miss out!

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Monday, November 24, 2014

the State of Palestine Quiz

Click on the cartoon below to open a larger, more readable version of this full page Dry Bones Special: the Sate of Palestine Quiz

This "Palestine Quiz" has been bouncing around the Internet for some time is, of course, a reality-test challenge to anyone who has swallowed the Palestine Myth. I thought it would be fun (and timely) to dress it up as a Dry Bones cartoon.

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If you know someone who actually believes that there was ever a country or state called Palestine, don't argue with them. Just quiz them.

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Rewriting History

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding, antisemitism, appeasement,arabs, judea, samaria, Palestine, PLO,
Join our family.
Our Dry Bones Membership Campaign drive was launched on the evening of Nov 15. The response has been beyond our wildest dreams! You too are invited to become a member of the Dry Bones team. Join the other "fans" who are becoming members! Fight the spreading antisemitism. Join in the battle against the demonization of the Jews, the willful rewriting of history, and the ignoring of the destruction of Middle East Christians. Make yourself proud. The whole story (and sign-up details) are at
We need and want you too!

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the Palestinian Flag

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding, history, Palestine, jews, mandate, un,
Surprised? Confused? What flag is this? Keep reading this from
"Until the 1960s, name “Palestine” resonated as something Jewish to peoples ears. The 4,000 year old Jewish homeland or “Land of Israel” or the “Holy Land” were all synonymous!! The British as legal Mandatory over the Mandate managed or mismanaged the state partially with Jewish Auxilary until Jews regained official sovereignty in 1948, by declaring independence. The U.N. did not recreate Israel as some people claim." the full story of the flag
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And if you have not yet become a member of the Dry Bones team, click on

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding, antisemitism, UN, Obama, Europe, media, war, PLO. Palestinian, Peace,Islamist, terror, terror attacks, media,
Join our family.
We want you to join our Dry Bones team.
If you have not yet become a member, please click on

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Time to "Settle"

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding, antisemitism, plo, palestinian, arabs,Islamist. terror, terror attacks, media,
Join our family.
The attacks on Jews has reached outrageous proportions! The response of the Western media is even more outrageous.

We need you to join our Dry Bones team. Help us to speak out! Please click on

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It's Normal

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding, antisemitism, nazi, nazism, nazis,
Join our family.
Our Dry Bones Membership Campaign drive was launched on the evening of Nov 15. The response has been beyond our wildest dreams! You too are invited to become a member of the Dry Bones team. Join the other "fans" who are becoming members! Fight the spreading antisemitism. Join in the battle against the demonization of the Jews, the willful rewriting of history, and the ignoring of the destruction of Middle East Christians. Make yourself proud. The whole story (and sign-up details) are at
We need and want you too!

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Monday, November 17, 2014

Moses on the Mountain

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding, Israel, isis, Jewish State, Abbas, Jews, islamists, Islamism, terror, terrorism, Christians, Temple Mount, Aqsa, terrorist attacks,
Join our family.
Join the Dry Bones Team. For details please click on
We Need You!

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Join the Dry Bones Team!

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,indiegogo, crowd funding, Israel, isis, Jewish State, Abbas, Jews, islamists, Islamism, terror, terrorism, Christians, Temple Mount, Aqsa, terrorist attacks,
Join our family.
Join the Dry Bones Team. For details please click on
We Need You!

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Friday, November 14, 2014

Game Changer

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,Israel, isis, Jewish State, Abbas, Jews, islamists, Islamism, terror, terrorism, Christians, Temple Mount, Aksa, terrorist attacks,
If there was no Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount (as claimed by Abbas) then the New Testament story of Jesus driving the money changers out of the Temple is an anti-Islamic lie!! The Mahmoud Abbas appeal to Islamist violence is a Game Changer which will have an interesting impact on "Palestinian" Christian supporters of the PLO.

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Grim Christmas

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,UN, holy land, Middle East, Naddaf,Israel,isis, Jewish State, Santa Claus, Christmas,islamists, Islamism, terror, terrorism, Christians,
Priest to UN: Israel is ‘Only Safe Place’ for Christians in Middle East:
( – “The Jewish state is the only safe place where the Christians of the Holy Land live in safety,” Fr. Gabriel Naddaf, a Greek Orthodox priest from Israel, told the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in September.
“The earth of the Middle East is soaked with the blood of Christians being killed daily,” Naddaf said in testimony released Wednesday by the non-governmental organization, UN Watch."
The priest pointed to the grim statistic that the Christian population of the Middle East has gone from 20 percent at the start of the 20th century to only around 4 percent today.
“If we look at the Middle East, Mr. President, we realize there’s only one safe place where Christians are not persecuted. One place where they are protected, enjoying freedom of worship and expression, living in peace and not subjected to killing and genocide,” Naddaf said.
“It is Israel, the country I live in. The Jewish state is the only safe place where the Christians of the Holy Land live in safety.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Come Home Now!

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,aliyah, Israel, immigration,
Online Aliyah Information:
If you are considering Aliyah, come to Israel for a brief trip. If you are a college student, there are excellent opportunities that allow you to visit Israel with minimal cost (see Birthright Israel programs). In your first trip to Israel, dedicate time to absorb the history of our nation in archaeological sites and museums. Travel the whole length of Israel from the Golan Heights in the North to Eilat in the South seeing the natural beauty, and richness of the Land of Israel. Rest your eyes before the vast bare scenes of the Judean Desert and imagine yourself at the time of the early Hebrew patriarchs. It is here on the hills of Yehuda and Shomron (Judea and Samaria) that your great-great ... grandparents changed the course of human history with their monotheistic belief. Go to markets and modern shopping centers and feel the diversity and richness of Israel. If you leave Israel with a touch of feeling that an ancient primordial chord has been struck deep inside you, if you feel a sense of belonging to this special people and the scenes of the land of Israel, you can continue the journey to your ancient past."-more

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hamas and the PLO

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,Hamas, Palestinians, Gaza, PLO. Fatah,antisemitism,
According to
Fatah blames Hamas for Gaza bombings
Friday, 7 November 2014
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement blamed Islamist movement Hamas for series of bomb attacks against the homes of Fatah leaders in the Gaza Strip overnight.
“The Fatah central committee condemns the crimes which took place this morning against its leaders and lays the responsibility for these crimes upon Hamas,” senior Fatah official Nasser al-Qidwa told a news conference in the West Bank city of Ramallah.
At least 10 explosions hit houses and cars belonging to senior Fatah members but no casualties were reported.
Hussein al-Sheikh, another member of the Fatah leadership, said he had “no doubt of the fact that Hamas bears the responsibility for what happened to Fatah leaders in Gaza.
”Hamas ousted Abbas loyalists from Gaza in 2007”."

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Monday, November 10, 2014

American Military Secret

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,Hamas, IDF, civilian casualties, Gaza, war, Protective Edge,
According to the Jerusalem Post:
​​Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff says US military learning from Israel's "extraordinary lengths" to limit collateral damage and civilian casualties.

"Washington sent a team of senior officers to Israel in September to learn from Israel’s tactics in Operation Protective Edge in Gaza over the summer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey said on Thursday.

Dempsey praised the Israel Defense Forces for taking “extraordinary lengths to limit collateral damage and civilian casualties” in its war against Hamas. The terrorist organization, Dempsey said, “had become very nearly a subterranean society,” burrowing underground and hiding among the civilian population.

“We sent a team of senior officers and non-commissioned officers over to work with the IDF to get the lessons from that particular operation in Gaza,” he told an audience at the Carnegie Endowment.

He referred to the group of officers as the “lessons learned team.”

Dempsey noted Israel’s development of new techniques, such as “roof knocking,” warning residents of an incoming strike.

“They would display leaflets to warn citizens and population to move away from where these tunnels,” the general said. “But look – in this kind of conflict, where you are held to a standard that your enemy is not held to, you’re going to be criticized for civilian casualties.”."-more

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Thursday, November 06, 2014

Jerusalem War against the Jews

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,hamas, abbas, jerusalem, Jews, palestinians, terror, terrorism, PA,
According to the initial story in the Jerusalem Post:
"The attack occurred in two separate locations in the capital.
The injured were rushed to Hadassah University Medical Centers at Ein Karem and Mount Scopus. A few of the other injured were treated at the scene.
Medical officials said that two of those hospitalized are seriously hurt, four are moderately injured, and three suffered light wounds.
The driver rammed his vehicle into crowds at two separate locations near the light rail track in Jerusalem. Immediately after hitting eight pedestrians, security forces nearby shot and killed the driver.
Police said that the driver of a van swerved his vehicle into the light rail station on the corner of Bar-Lev and Shimon Hatzadik Streets. He then continued toward Moshe Zaks Street nearby, where he ran into more people.
After crashing the car, the driver emerged from the vehicle with a metal crowbar and began to attack people nearby. A police and Border Police force subsequently shot and killed the assailant."

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Hamas in America

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,hamas, jihad, islamism, islamists, Jews, palestinians, terror, terrorism, america,
According to the Counter Jihad Report:
"Hamas in the United States – doing business as CAIR – has again targeted Americans by publishing a list of “Islamophobes” and promoting it within the Islamic community and beyond."
UTT Founder John Guandolo is on this list.
This is a public call for the people on the list to be killed for the crime of “Slander” in Islam.
As UTT has previously reported, Sharia (Islamic Law) defines “Slander” as follows: “Slander (ghiba) means to mention anything concerning a person person he would dislike…’Do not slander one another’ (Koran 49:12)…(Slander) is to mention of your brother that which he would dislike…The Muslim is the brother of the Muslim. He does not betray him, lie to him, or hang back from coming to his aid.” [Umdat al Salik, The Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, r2.0-2.6)
Slander is a capital crime under Islamic Law.
Many of you may be aware of writers, artists, politicians, and others who have been killed or attempts made on their lives for “Slandering” Islam. Theo van Gogh was killed for making a film. Dutch Parlimentarian Geert Wilders has a permanent security detail to protect him from Muslims for speaking about the threat from jihad in the Netherlands, including his production of the movie “Fitna.”
Here in America, businesses, politicians, pastors, and our leaders have fallen prey to this intimidation from Islam by self-silencing a truthful debate about real threats from within the Islamic community. The threat of being called an “Islamophobe” is a threat of future violence.
The largest international body in the world second only to the UN, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), has officially defined “Islamophobia” as “Slander” under Islamic Law. The OIC is made up of all 57 Islamic states in the world (56 plus Palestine which they consider a state). The OIC is now pushing for deterrent punishments for “Islamophobia” at the international level.
To be officially labeled an “Islamophobe” by the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas entities, like CAIR, is to be publicly accused of “Slander” under Sharia. CAIR is openly calling the individuals on their “Islamophobia” site “Slanderers of Islam.”"

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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

the Euro Politician

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,Europe, Islam, Islamism, Iran, Nukes, media bias,
We watch as Europe's politicians are blinded by political correctness, anti Israel media bias, and the intimidation of their growing Moslem immigrant populations.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Modern Times

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,chanukkah, hanukkah, holiday, jewish, maccabees, history, next generation, media bias,
anti Jewish media bias is hurting our kids. What is the truth? The libeling of Israel's Prime Minister by the American administration and the libeling of the IDF has its effect. Even the Israeli press and what used to be called the "loyal"opposition in Israel has bought into the lies.

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Monday, November 03, 2014

It's Happening Again

Kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon,isis, isil, is, terror, terrorism, islamic state, islam, Haggadah, islamism, islamist, world heritage, history,
Jews have lived through the fall of many civilizations. We watched as the civilization of the ancient Greeks fell. We saw the fall of the Roman Empire. And we wrote a book that we've carried with us through history. In that book we noted that "in every generation they rise up against us". That book is, of course, the Haggadah, and once again they are rising up against us, and once again we are witnessing the fall of another mighty empire. This time it is Western Civilization that seems to be going down the tubes. To get your copy of the Haggadah click on

Meanwhile, according to the Washington Post:

War has damaged all but one of Syria’s World Heritage Sites, satellite images show
"A new report from the American Association for the Advancement of Science shows the extent of that destruction: Using high-resolution satellite imagery, AAAS discovered that five of Syria's six World Heritage Sites had sustained significant damage.
Only the ancient city of Damascus appears to have been spared."

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