Don Quixote (1977)
Labels: 1977, America, Begin, Carter, Condoleezza Rice, Iran, Israel, Peace, Terrorist, War
![]() the Dry Bones BlogDedicated To Combating the Willful Rewriting of History and Fighting the Spread of Antisemitism |
Labels: 1977, America, Begin, Carter, Condoleezza Rice, Iran, Israel, Peace, Terrorist, War
"Gordon Brown has banned ministers from using the word “Muslim” in connection with the terrorism crisis.The Prime Minister has also instructed his team – including new Home Secretary Jacqui Smith – that the phrase “war on terror” is to be dropped.The shake-up is part of a fresh attempt to improve community relations and avoid offending Muslims, adopting a more “consensual” tone than existed under Tony Blair."-More
Labels: Appeasement, Britain, Democracy, Disasters, Gordon Brown, WW2
Labels: Sunday Mail, Temple Mount, Tisha Be'Av
Labels: Abbas, Palestinians, PLO
Labels: Arab League, Egypt, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Olmert, Peace, Political Correctness
Today being Tisha Be'Av, I thought it was appropriate to trot out the simple facts about the history of the foreign occupation of our eternal Holy City (which lasted until 1967).
Labels: Assad, Holidays, Jerusalem, Occupation, Tisha Be'Av, U.S.A.
"Gordon Brown has banned ministers from using the word “Muslim” in connection with the terrorism crisis.The Prime Minister has also instructed his team – including new Home Secretary Jacqui Smith – that the phrase “war on terror” is to be dropped.The shake-up is part of a fresh attempt to improve community relations and avoid offending Muslims, adopting a more “consensual” tone than existed under Tony Blair."-More
Labels: Appeasement, Gordon Brown, Terrorism, U.K.
"We did not go there to decide whether the predominantly German areas in the Sudetenland should be passed over to the German Reich. That had been decided already. Czechoslovakia had accepted the Anglo-French proposals. What we had to consider was the method, the conditions and the time of the transfer of the territory. The second point to remember is that time was one of the essential factors. All the elements were present on the spot for the outbreak of a conflict which might have precipitated the catastrophe. We had populations inflamed to a high degree; we had extremists on both sides ready to work up and provoke incidents; we had considerable quantities of arms which were by no means confined to regularly organised forces. Therefore, it was essential that we should quickly reach a conclusion, so that this painful and difficult operation of transfer might be carried out at the earliest possible moment and concluded as soon as was consistent, with orderly procedure, in order that we might avoid the possibility of something that might have rendered all our attempts at peaceful solution useless. . . ."
-Read Chamberlain's 1938 speech.
Labels: Ahmadinejad, Appeasement, Assad, Britain, Czechoslovakia, Hitler, Iran, Nasrallah, Syria, War, WW2
Below is the series of events in 1986 leading up to the publishing of this cartoon on December 03, 1986:
Early 1986- For the complete timetable of reports about Syria and Chemical Warfare- 1968-1989, click here.
Unidentified US officials describe Syria's chemical weapons capabilities as including domestically produced sarin.
-Aharon Levran, ed., The Middle East Military Balance 1986 (Tel Aviv: Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, 1987), pp. 94-95.June 5, 1986
The United States bans the sale of eight chemical precursors to Syria.
-David B. Ottaway, "Syria included in ban of chemical arms ingredients," Washington Post, 6 June 1986, p. A35.August 7, 1986
August 7, 1986
In a speech before Israel's National Defense College, Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres announces that Syria is spending large sums to acquire surface-to-surface missiles and to develop chemical warheads. This publicly reported statement represents a change in Israeli policy, which had previously censored all mention of Syrian chemical weapons capabilities.
-Reuters, "Syria plans 'poison gas warheads'," Daily Telegraph, 8 August 1986.
Syria is reported to be helping the Iranian CW program, which is described as much smaller than the Syrian program.
-Michael Gordon, "Talks resume to stop spread of chemical arms," New York Times, 25 August 1986, p. A4.December 2, 1986
Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin tells parliament, "we are aware that Syria is armed with chemical weapons, artillery shells, bombs, and ground-to-ground missile warheads...including nerve gas." He also states that Syria is engaged in the production of gas carrying bombs.
-Andrew Meisels, "Israel Confirms Syria has Chemical Weapons," Washington Times, 3 December 1986, p. 1.
Labels: 1989, Chemical Warfare, Iran, Rabin, Shimon Peres, Syria, WMD
"Although the United States has been accusing Syria and Iran of helping insurgents in Iraq, it is the Washington ally Saudi Arabia which is the largest source of foreign insurgents in the war-torn country.About 45 per cent of all foreign militants targeting US security forces and Iraqi civilians are from Saudi Arabia, compared with 15 per cent from Syria and Lebanon, the Los Angeles Times reported on Monday.Nearly half of the 135 foreigners in US detention facilities in Iraq are Saudis, the paper quoted a senior US military officer as saying.The paper said that this has left the US military in the awkward position of 'battling an enemy whose top source of foreign fighters is a key ally that at best has not been able to prevent its citizens from undertaking bloody attacks in Iraq, and shares complicity in sending extremists to commit attacks against US forces, Iraqi civilians and the Shia-led government in Baghdad'." -more
Labels: 911, Political Correctness, Saudi Arabia, Terrorism, U.S.A.
Labels: anti-Semitism, Arafat, Islam, jihad, Palestinians, Terrorist
Labels: Abbas, Hamas, Olmert, Politics, Public Opinion, Sherlock Holmes, Syria, War, Z Street
Labels: Sunday Mail
Labels: Al Queda, America, Hamas, Hezbollah, Ideology, Islam, jihad, Terrorism, Terrorist, U.S.A., WOT
"Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signaled that he wants Jordan to dispatch to the West Bank a military unit under Jordanian command that is made up of his own Palestinian Fatah loyalists.The Palestinian force, known as the Badr Brigade, would bolster Abbas's security in the wake of rival Hamas' conquest of Gaza.Jordan says it condones deploying the troops. Yet it also insists it has no intention of meddling in a Palestinian power struggle, or of assuming any type of protectorate role in the West Bank.“We shouldn't read too much into this,” said chief Jordanian government spokesman Nasser Judeh. Deploying the force in the West Bank “shouldn't be seen as Jordan taking up a security or any other role” in the Palestinian territories." -moreHmmmm?
Labels: Abbas, Gaza, Jordan, King Hussein, Palestinians, Settlers
Labels: Islam, Sherlock Holmes, Terrorism, U.K.
JERUSALEM, July 4 (Reuters) - "Israel believes an Arab peace initiative is on hold because of Saudi objections to Western efforts to isolate Hamas Islamists, officials said on Wednesday.The 2002 plan promoted by Saudi Arabia and revived in March, offers Israel normal relations with Arab states in exchange for its withdrawal from all territory captured in the 1967 Middle East war.Although Israel has said it could never consider, on security and demographic grounds, a return of Palestinian refugees or a full pullout from the occupied West Bank, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has pointed to what he termed positive aspects of the proposal.The initiative "is on hold, nobody is advancing it," one of the Israeli officials said.The officials said some Arab countries, notably Saudi Arabia, opposed U.S.-supported efforts to isolate Hamas following its defeat of President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah group in Gaza last month.An analysis circulated among Israeli Foreign Ministry officials and obtained by Reuters said Saudi Arabia "had distanced itself from direct involvement in the Palestinian issue". -more
Labels: Fatah, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Palestinians, Peace, PLO, Saudi Arabia
Labels: Defamation, Incitement, Islam, Terrorism, Terrorist, War
Labels: 1979, Entebbe, Fourth of July, Shuldig
GAZA (Reuters) - "A Hamas television station that last week killed off a Mickey Mouse lookalike who urged children to fight against Israel will use other famous characters to further their Islamist agenda, station officials said on Monday.The host of the children's show 'Tomorrow's Pioneers', Farfur, dressed in a full body-suit to resemble the Walt Disney cartoon character. The character was beaten to death in the show's final episode last week by a character posing as an Israeli.Farfur and a female co-host instructed their young viewers on Hamas's militant brand of Muslim piety and urged children to support armed resistance against Israel.Mohammad Saeed, the director of production at Al-Aqsa Television, told Reuters the station would use other famous cartoon characters in future shows.'Farfur was a story alive and he has turned into another story as a (martyr),' Saeed said."
Labels: Gaza, Hamas, Incitement, MEMRI, Mickey Mouse, Palestinians, Terrorism
Labels: 1977, Entebbe, Fourth of July
Labels: Fatah, Gaza, Lebanon, Olmert, Palestinians, PLO, Sharm, War
Labels: America, Sunday Mail