Wednesday, October 31, 2012


 sandy, weather, hurricane, disaster, natural disaster, East Coast, america kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon.After spending the day watching the news coverage of Sandy, the superstorm, I sketched out this cartoon. The LSW (Long Suffering Wife) looked at it and said that nobody would recognize the cartoon reference to Sandy (Arf Arf) Little orphan Annie's dog. "Wrong!" I said, "and besides, I had fun drawing it."

Meanwhile we both hope that all of our East coast fans and friends are safe.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Extreme Weather (2010)

dry bones

August 08, 2010
Dry Bones cartoon: Kirschen, shuldig, sandy, hurricane, earthquake, global warming, extreme weather, weather, america
I've been watching TV News. Seeing scenes of flooding on Long Island and trees being toppled by gale-force winds in New Jersey. So I'm running today's Oldie for our American friends and fans in the path of Sandy!!

Stay Safe!

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Monday, October 29, 2012


 kickstarter, crowd funding, haggadah, passover, kirschen Syria, Democrats, republicans, elections, bibi, netanyahu, left wing, right wing Israel, America, middle east, mideast, arab spring : Dry Bones cartoon.Yup! there's a whole lot of choices being made that will change the future that we and future generations will live in.
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Why don't you make a choice for the future? Join the Dry Bones Haggadah Campaign.
But Remember! On Friday November 16th the Kickstarter Haggadah Campaign will end. Only 18 days left!

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Friday, October 26, 2012

Crowd Frenzy

 kickstarter, crowdfunding, haggadah, passover, kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon.The Dry Bones Kickstarter Haggadah campaign really is turning into a crowd frenzy, and for this I want to thank all the friends and fans who are forwarding, sharing, liking, and emailing ...and making this so popular. More folks are coming on board every day ...and we have to express a special word of thanks to the bloggers who are bringing the story to their readers.
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If you don't know what I'm ta;ling about, click on Dry Bones Kickstarter Campaign. and watch the video of me in my studio explaining the details. An alternative is to click on the kickstarter link at
But Remember! On Friday November 16th the Kickstarter Haggadah Campaign will end, and becomes history.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

22 days to go

 kickstarter, crowdfunding, haggadah, passover, kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon.Today's cartoon is part of the Dry Bones Kickstarter Haggadah campaign. It's an exciting experiment in empowering Dry Bones fans and friends. If you are a fan or friend, join our campaign. We've got only 22 days left. The campaign ends on Friday November 16th. Please share or forward this. If you are a blogger, please re-post the cartoon, the links,and the info! Email your contacts. Spread the word through your social networks. Tell your friends.
* * *
Want to join me and the LSW (Long Suffering Wife) in this grand adventure?? Watch the video of me in my studio explaining the details. Click on Dry Bones Kickstarter Campaign. No obligation.
An alternative is to click on the kickstarter link at
Remember! On Friday November 16th the Kickstarter Haggadah Campaign will end.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

After the Elections

 obama, Romney, ahmadinejad, iran, nukes, elections, media, kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon.Yup.
Ahmadinejad is watching and waiting and wondering.
Just like the rest of us.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Presidential Election Promises (1977)

June 14, 1977

Dry Bones cartoon: Kirschen, King Solomon, Jimmy Carter, president, elections, politics, israel,
I drew today's cartoon back in 1977 when Jimmy Carter's Presidential election promises were suddenly replaced by the deeds of Jimmy Carter's Presidency.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Election Trash Talk

 obama, ahmadinejad, iran, nukes, elections,media, kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon.The NY Times report:
U.S. Officials Say Iran Has Agreed to Nuclear Talks

WASHINGTON — "The United States and Iran have agreed in principle for the first time to one-on-one negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program, according to Obama administration officials, setting the stage for what could be a last-ditch diplomatic effort to avert a military strike on Iran.

Iranian officials have insisted that the talks wait until after the presidential election, a senior administration official said, telling their American counterparts that they want to know with whom they would be negotiating." -more

The denial as reported by the Daily Mail:

White House denies deal for one-on-one talks with Iran... but says U.S. is prepared to do so
"The White House has denied that it has scheduled one-on-one talks with Iran about its nuclear weapons programme, but it says it is willing to do so. The New York Times reported on Saturday that the United States and Iran had agreed in principal to meet after next month's election to find a diplomatic settlement to Tehran's pursuit of nuclear weapons.

But National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor later insisted no such meeting had been scheduled, though he said the White House was prepared to talk." -more

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Friday, October 19, 2012


 kickstarter, crowd funding, haggadah, passover, kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon.To mark the 40th anniversary of my Dry Bones cartoon I decided to launch a Dry Bones Haggadah project at Kickstarter. We officially launched on October 15th. Within a day and a half one hundred and one backers had provided more than the initial goal of $5,000 that we had requested. I had stayed up, glued to the computer screen watching the numbers go up. Bleary-eyed and excited, I suddenly understood something important. I didn't need a Rothschild to back my project. One hundred and one Rothschilds had used the Internet to find me and my project. The implications are fascinating,
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Want to join me in this grand adventure?? Watch the video of me in my studio explaining the details. Click on Dry Bones Kickstarter Campaign. No obligation.
An alternative is to click on the kickstarter link at
Remember! On Friday November 16th the Kickstarter Haggadah Campaign will end.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cuba, Missiles, America, Israel, (1978)

dry bones

October 20, 1978
Dry Bones cartoon: Kirschen, Double Standard, Cuba, missiles, Carter, Israel, Cold War, Russia, Soviet Union, USSR, Saudi Arabia, Eilat, Florida, Bombers
This month is the 50th anniversary of "the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962", a major event in the "Cold War". I drew today's cartoon in October of 1978, during a second but less remembered Cuban Missile crisis. Obviously, the cartoon still seems just as relevant today as it was then.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ancient Wisdom

 Israel, mid east, Islamism, middle east, arabs, arab spring, Syria, Sunni, Shia, Egypt, peace, war, antisemitism, kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon. We all first heard the ancient statement of this wisdom in the Passover Haggadah: "Ïn every generation they rise up against us."
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At this very moment, I, and more than 100 Dry Bones fans, are working on making the Dry Bones Haggadah a reality. Want to join us in this grand and exciting adventure?! To watch a video of me in my studio explaining the details just click on Dry Bones Kickstarter Campaign. No obligation. An alternative is to click on the kickstarter link at
Remember! On Friday November 16th the Kickstarter Haggadah Campaign will end.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Time Goes By (2002)

dry bones

October 06, 2002
Dry Bones cartoon: Kirschen, shuldig, continuity, Jewish, Jewish Culture, Judaism, generation gap
I drew today's cartoon back in October of  2002. Ten years have gone by and here we are at the start of a campaign about "Jewish Continuity". It's The Kickstarter Dry Bones Haggadah project!

Want to join me in this grand adventure in "Jewish Continuity"? Watch the video of me in my studio explaining the details. Click on Dry Bones Kickstarter Campaign. No obligation. An alternative is to click on the kickstarter link at

Remember! On Friday November 16th the Kickstarter Haggadah Campaign will end.

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Only 32 Days to Go

 kickstarter, crowd funding, haggadah, passover, kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon.Today I am starting something that's new and fun! It's going to be an exciting experiment in empowering Dry Bones fans and friends. If you are a fan or friend, join our campaign. We've got only 32 days to make this happen. The campaign ends on Friday November 16th and then disappears forever. Please share or forward this. If you are a blogger, please re-post the cartoon, the links,and the info! Email your contacts. Spread the word through your social networks. Tell your friends.
* * *
Want to join me in this grand adventure?? Watch the video of me in my studio explaining the details. Click on Dry Bones Kickstarter Campaign. No obligation.
An alternative is to click on the kickstarter link at
Remember! On Friday November 16th the Kickstarter Haggadah Campaign will end.

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Friday, October 12, 2012

the Israeli Government

 Bibi, Ehud Barak, Lieberman, Jewish, Israel, Netanyahu,  kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon. ...and the joke's on us!
They've called an election!

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Elections (1999)

dry bones

May 07, 1999
Dry Bones cartoon: Kirschen, shuldig, Elections, Shuldig, Politics, Israel,
I am posting this golden oldie from 1999 because of the news that Israel is heading for another election campaign. Yikes!

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

the Syrian Disaster

Syria, iran, al Qaeda, Hizbullah, Assad, Arabs, Arab Spring, war,   kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon. I seem to be the only one with this opinion!

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Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Theological Question (2002)

dry bones

October 06, 2002
Dry Bones cartoon: Kirschen, mitzva, Jewish, Jewish Culture, Judaism, religion, bible
I drew today's cartoon back in October of 2002.

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Monday, October 08, 2012

Simhat Torah

Jewish, holiday, simhat torah, shuldig, judaism,  kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon. Happy Holiday!

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Friday, October 05, 2012


 shuldig, holiday, Sukkot, Rosh Hashana, yom kippur, Jewish New Year, High holidays, honey, jews, judaism,  kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon. Launching into the coming Jewish year

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Thursday, October 04, 2012

the Sukkot Holiday (2004)


September 13, 2004

Dry Bones cartoon: Kirschen,  Jewish, Judaism, Bible, Holiday, religion, Sukkot, tabernacles, exodus, Egypt, Shuldig, homeless,  Jewish, Holidays, Holiday, Judaism, Jewish Culure,
I drew today's cartoon back in 2004.

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Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Why They Riot

 terror, Islamism, Islamists, Riots, Cartoons, youtube, moslem. muslim, Freedom, freedom of speech,  kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon. The simple truth.

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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Bibi's Bomb

 Bibi,  bomb, Netanyahu, cartoon, UN, Nukes, Iran, Ahmadinejad, double standard, appeasement, Middle east, war, mid east, peace, missiles, attack,Judaism, Jews, Israel, kirschen : Dry Bones cartoon. A picture is worth a thousand words.

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