We all first heard the ancient statement of this wisdom in the Passover Haggadah: "
Ïn every generation they rise up against us."
* * * At this very moment, I, and more than 100 Dry Bones fans, are working on making the Dry Bones Haggadah a reality. Want to join us in this grand and exciting adventure?! To watch a video of me in my studio explaining the details just click on
Dry Bones Kickstarter Campaign. No obligation. An alternative is to click on the kickstarter link at
Remember! On Friday November 16th the Kickstarter Haggadah Campaign will end.Labels: antisemitism, Arab Spring, Arabs, Egypt, Haggadah, Islamism, Israel, kickstarter, mid east, Middle East, Passover, Peace, Shia, Sunni, Syria, War
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