Friday, February 28, 2014


israel,  BDS, boycott, terror, terrorism, nazi,  antizionism, antisemitism,
Today's cartoon goes for a laugh while observing the newest challenge to our peoplehood.
* * *

In a few short weeks we Jews will sit together as families. And it is at these family gatherings, seated around festive Passover tables, that we will read aloud from the Passover Haggadah, the guide to "the preserving and continuance of Jewish peoplehood."

We, the LSW (Long Suffering Wife) and I, have spent a year producing the Dry Bones Passover Haggadah. We think it is very special. It is what we believe to be the Haggadah that will bring us all together. If you like Dry Bones you'll LOVE this Haggadah. Every page of this traditional and Kosher 104-page Hebrew/English Haggadah is framed by full color Dry Bones cartoons and art. click to see our first review. It makes a great gift. A set will really perk up a Seder. And if you're a curious non-Jew, buy a copy to read the real "Secret Book of the Jews."
We have set up our own Mom and Pop shop on-line, and we fulfill orders directly from our home in Israel. From our family to you and yours. Take a peek at

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Iranian Missiles in Syria

iraq, iran, syria, hezbullah,Israel, bombing, middle east,

First reports just coming in. By the time you read this you will have already heard the main stream media reports..

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Diary: Nose to Nose

dry bones, Haggadah, Passover, Store, dry bones haggadah, dry bones passover haggadah, hagadda, jewish, holiday,PDF, Print, paper
Haggadah Diary: The LSW (Long Suffering Wife) reports that orders are coming in for the PDF version of the Dry Bones Haggadah. For some reason I've never publicized that we offer a PDF version for tablets, mobiles, and such. Obviously we should let people know that BOTH versions are available. So I drew today's cartoon to spread the word. So now maybe you'd help?? Maybe you'll Share or forward this message to your friends?

Click to Visit Our Store:


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Diary: Mesmerizing

dry bones, Haggadah, Passover, LSW, Store, dry bones haggadah, dry bones passover haggadah, hagadda, jewish, holiday,
Haggadah Diary: The LSW (Long Suffering Wife) and I have been working around the clock and we SEEM to be ready for the pre=Pessach rush. We've done everything we can from our side. Now we need your help.

We are asking you to spread the word. Please help us. Share or forward this message to your friends. With your help we can do it. (And don't forget to order your own)

Click to Visit Our Store:

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Monday, February 24, 2014

U.S. Policy Makers

dry bones, sinai, egypt, terror, terrorism, islam, islamism, russia, egypt, syria, libya, obama, America,Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, nukes,
I keep bumping into folks who bend my ear with bizarre theories attempting to explain the American administration's policy in the region. I don't have a theory. I only have a question. And it's the punch line of today's cartoon.
* * *
Time and supplies are both limited.
Order Your Dry Bones Haggadah Now:

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Diary: Brainstorming

dry bones, Haggadah, Passover, LSW, Store, dry bones haggadah, dry bones passover haggadah, hagadda, jewish, holiday,
Haggadah Diary: If you like Dry Bones you're going to LOVE the Dry Bones Haggadah. But our challenge is to get the word out! So we did some brainstorming and decided to turn the job over to Mr. Shuldig and his dog Doobie. If you're a friend or a fan please help us. Share or forward this to YOUR friends. Oh, and don't forget to press the Red Button.

Click to Visit Our Store:

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Friday, February 21, 2014


Dry Bones cartoon, israel, Iran, Palestinians, europe, self delusion, smiley face,pressure, intelligence, anti-israel,
Mr. Smiley Face is the scariest cartoon character that I draw.
* * *
The LSW (Long Suffering Wife) and I are in a panic! We keep joking about how quickly time seems to flash by and suddenly it's no joke. Yikes! We looked at a calendar. A real one. Printed out on paper! There are only 39 days left until April 1st. And April 1st is the latest we can ship so that you'll get yours for the Seder. Tell your friends about the Dry Bones Haggadah. But don't forget to get one yourself first. Supplies, and not only time is limited!

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hot Stuff

Dry Bones cartoon: climate change, global warming, israel, pressure, anti-israel,
Disastrous climate change ?
No one has suggested linkage with the need to pressure Israel.
* * *
Get Your Dry Bones Haggadah at:

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Diary: In the Cloud

dry bones, Haggadah, Passover, LSW, Store, dry bones haggadah, dry bones passover haggadah, cloud, data,jewish, kickstarter
Haggadah Diary:The pressures on us by the fast approach of Passover are mounting, but I wanted to take the time to let you know about an exciting new project that is also, well, in the clouds. A Canadian outfit called Alternate History Comics has launched a Kickstarter project to fund what they're calling the Jewish Comix Anthology. Check it out. It's going to have both archival, classic material and new stuff. They even talked me into doing a retelling of a traditional Jewish Folk Tale for the collection. If you're interested in Jews, pop culture, and comix, you should help fund the Kickstarter Jewish Comix Anthology
* * *
And don't forget to order your haggadah at
our store:

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Islamists in Sinai

dry bones, sinai, egypt, terror, terrorism, islam, islamism, terror attack, tourists,
The latest news, as I write this, according to the NY Times:
"At least two South Korean tourists and their Egyptian driver were killed on Sunday when an explosion ripped through a tour bus in a resort town in the Sinai Peninsula, in what officials said was the first deadly attack on tourists by militants in Egypt in at least three years.
The bus, which had been carrying more than 30 people, was parked for a break in Taba, near the border with Israel, when the blast occurred."
* * *
Time is passing quickly
Order Your Dry Bones Haggadah Now:

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Monday, February 17, 2014

Free Jonathan Pollard

kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon: Jonathan Pollard, Pollard, america,  pardon, antisemitism, american jews,
The ugly truth.
It is time to stop this shameful affair and to demand freedom for Jonathan Pollard.
Not for humanitarian reasons, not for considerations of his health, but simply in the name of justice!
. . . and our own self respect!
* * *
Get Your Dry Bones Haggadah at:

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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Diary: Lost in Translation

dry bones, Haggadah, Passover, LSW, Store, dry bones haggadah, dry bones passover haggadah, jewish, holiday,
Haggadah Diary:Above is a the ad we did for our Haggadah. "We" means me and the LSW (Long Suffering Wife). A huge amount of work went into the creation of this Haggadah, and in the ad we had to translate what we had done into a few words. But "translation", according to an email we just received from an otherwise satisfied customer, is what's missing from our advertising. :
". . . a piece of advice: the store and website do not discuss the translation issues. It is critically important as you know so well. I had to do web searching to find out more about this aspect of the project. I learned a lot about your challenges and how you addressed the thorny issues of Halachic authenticity as well as the modern issues of removing/reducing gender bias -- both critical aspects which must be addressed simultaneously to make it as inclusive and timeless as possible. I read how much effort you invested into the accuracy of the translation. This info should be highlighted in your store. There is practically no mention of it. Why not? Its an important selling point. Okay, that's my 2 agorot.
(name withheld)

Explanation about the above: Folks who buy the Dry Bones Haggadah are like part of our family. They feel free to give us helpful advice. Which the LSW and I really appreciate.

Our Store:

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Climate Change

dry bones, global warming, climate change,weather, floods, drought, storm,
Here in Israel we're in the middle of what is supposed to be our rainy season. And it's a warm, bright, and sunny day.
Haggadah Diary:
We sent a review copy of the haggadah to Rabbi Lazer Brody (bestselling writer, speaker, counselor and teacher). Lazer is a Breslev Rabbi (Breslev is a Hassidic group founded by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772–1810). We just got his review:
"With Hashem's loving grace, I had the special privilege of reviewing the Dry Bones Haggada, so masterfully done by my esteemed and cherished friend, Yaakov Kirschen of "Dry Bones" fame. Yaakov's wit, artistry, love of Judaism and his love of the Jewish People graces every page of this delightful English-Hebrew Haggada, which will certainly gladden the hearts of all those who use it. What's more, this Haggada is a wonderful outreach tool in making Seder night - what some perceive to be a heavy burden - into an accessible and enjoyable experience. May the Almighty bless Yaakov with success in this endeavor, good health and long life, so he can continue to do many more wonderful things for the Jewish People. With blessings and very best wishes, Rabbi Lazer Brody, Ashdod, Israel, 13 Adar Aleph, 5774 (13.2.14)"
Our Store:

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

On European Streets

dry bones, Europe, antisemitism, King Solomon,
I did today's cartoon back in 2004. Ten yars ago. The situation is now worse.
Haggadah Diary:
Passover begins on the evening of Monday, April 14, 2014, Yikes! That's only 8 1/2 weeks from from now. Last night the LSW (Long Suffering Wife) and I had a business meeting (just the two of us) about distribution of our Dry Bones Passover Haggadah. Our online store is working. Orders are coming in and the LSW has become an expert at using the "Brother Label Printer" that we borrowed, and also has become a regular at the local Post Office.

She has booked four or five appearances in a mini book tour here in Israel. We've decided to set up an affiliate program so that bloggers and other online sites can partner with us. But with only 60 days 'til Seder night, and the printed-in-Jerusalem Haggadahs having to be sent out from Israel, we're feeling the pressure. Wish us luck. We're in for a wild ride.
Here's our

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Uncle Sam

afghanstan, iraq, iran, syria, libya, egypt, afghanistan, obama, america, uncle sam, Islam, Islamism, negotiations, middle east,

Yup. The U.S. Administration keeps trying.

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Jewish Continuity

israel,  terror, terrorism,  antizionism, antisemitism,intermarriage, assimilation, non Jews, gentiles,
Today's cartoon goes for a laugh, but the "preserving and continuance of Jewish peoplehood" is indeed in our hands.
* * *

In a few short weeks we Jews will sit together as families. And it is at these family gatherings, seated around festive Passover tables, that we will read aloud from the Passover Haggadah, the guide to "the preserving and continuance of Jewish peoplehood." The traditional Haggadah text has been translated into every language of our dispersion. The Haggadah has been illuminated and illustrated by scores of artists and graphic designers, published with learned commentaries and study notes, and re-interpreted in myriad ways.

We, the LSW (Long Suffering Wife) and I, have spent a year producing the Dry Bones Passover Haggadah. We think it is very special. It is what we believe to be the Haggadah that will bring us all together. If you like Dry Bones you'll LOVE this Haggadah. Every page of this traditional and Kosher 104-page Hebrew/English Haggadah is framed by full color Dry Bones cartoons and graphics. click to see our first review. It makes a great gift. A set will perk up a Seder. And if you're a curious non-Jew, buy a copy to read the real "Secret Book of the Jews."
We have set up our own Mom and Pop shop on-line, and we fulfill orders directly from our home in Israel. From our family to you and yours. Take a peek at

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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Iranian Warships

 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, israel, iran, sanctions, war, islamism, shia, obama, peace, talks, negotiations,
The latest news as I write this column:
According to the BBC:
Iranian warships 'to sail close to US maritime border'
"Iranian warships in the Atlantic Ocean are to sail close to US maritime borders for the first time, a senior naval commander has said.
Iranian media quoted Adm Afshin Rezayee Haddad as saying the deployment was a response to US vessels in the Gulf.
The fleet consists of a destroyer and a helicopter-carrying supply ship.
It began its voyage last month and entered the Atlantic though South African waters, the IRNA news agency quoted the admiral as saying.
The Iranian ships are reported to be carrying about 30 navy academy cadets for training along with their regular crews. They are on a three-month mission.
Correspondents say that the voyage comes amid continuing efforts by Iran to to project its power across the Middle East and beyond.
" -more

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Friday, February 07, 2014

Media Bias

media, media bias, bias,israel, palestine, west bank, judea, samaria, settlements, jews,
And so we watch as the media legitimizes and delegitimizes. If you repeat it often enough the public will be trained to think "properly."

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Thursday, February 06, 2014

Israel's Light

bibi, netanyahu, israel, palestine, west bank, terror, terrorism, negotiations, peace, EU, antizionism, antisemitism, arab spring,
Our light seems to be disturbing "the Nations."

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Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Slick Palestinians

bibi, netanyahu, israel, palestine, west bank, terror, terrorism, negotiations, peace
Yup. They know what they want, and they know what they want to do with it.

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Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Accepted Terminology

 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, israel, palestine, map, jews, arabs, peace, talks, bias, media, newsman, palestinians, west bank, settlements,

You've got to use the accepted language in order to see things the "accepted" way.
* * *
And BTW, there's only 10 weeks 'til Passover. I mention this because if you want to be sure to have a Dry Bones experience at the seder this year you'll have to act early. Our complete inventory of our gorgeous Dry Bones Haggadahs is in our living room here in Israel. Most have now been sold and shipped. The LSW (Long Suffering Wife) is boxing them up as fast as orders come in and then shlepping them to our local post office.

Peek inside this very special Haggadah at our online "Mom and Pop" store:

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Monday, February 03, 2014

Gangster Style Negotiations

 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, israel, kerry, palestine, America, Chicago, jews, arabs, peace, talks, negotiations, protection,

Extorting, threatening, and bullying companies into submission through offering "protection" from implied violence is called the "Protection Racket," and was popular with Chicago Mobsters in the twenties. Could the current Administration's idea of negotiating be colored by its Chicago-based cultural roots?

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