Sunday, February 16, 2014

Diary: Lost in Translation

dry bones, Haggadah, Passover, LSW, Store, dry bones haggadah, dry bones passover haggadah, jewish, holiday,
Haggadah Diary:Above is a the ad we did for our Haggadah. "We" means me and the LSW (Long Suffering Wife). A huge amount of work went into the creation of this Haggadah, and in the ad we had to translate what we had done into a few words. But "translation", according to an email we just received from an otherwise satisfied customer, is what's missing from our advertising. :
". . . a piece of advice: the store and website do not discuss the translation issues. It is critically important as you know so well. I had to do web searching to find out more about this aspect of the project. I learned a lot about your challenges and how you addressed the thorny issues of Halachic authenticity as well as the modern issues of removing/reducing gender bias -- both critical aspects which must be addressed simultaneously to make it as inclusive and timeless as possible. I read how much effort you invested into the accuracy of the translation. This info should be highlighted in your store. There is practically no mention of it. Why not? Its an important selling point. Okay, that's my 2 agorot.
(name withheld)

Explanation about the above: Folks who buy the Dry Bones Haggadah are like part of our family. They feel free to give us helpful advice. Which the LSW and I really appreciate.

Our Store:

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