Diary: In the Cloud
Haggadah Diary:The pressures on us by the fast approach of Passover are mounting, but I wanted to take the time to let you know about an exciting new project that is also, well, in the clouds. A Canadian outfit called Alternate History Comics has launched a Kickstarter project to fund what they're calling the Jewish Comix Anthology. Check it out. It's going to have both archival, classic material and new stuff. They even talked me into doing a retelling of a traditional Jewish Folk Tale for the collection. If you're interested in Jews, pop culture, and comix, you should help fund the Kickstarter Jewish Comix Anthology
And don't forget to order your haggadah at
our store: store.drybones.com
Labels: dry bones haggadah, dry bones passover haggadah, Haggadah, Jewish, kickstarter, LSW, Passover, store
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