Friday, January 31, 2014

Europe ...Again!?

Nazi,antisemitism, islamism, righteous gentiles, EU,
Europe . . . AGAIN?!!

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Step Two

 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, israel, kerry, Obama, palestine, map, jews, arabs, peace, talks, negotiations,Jerusalem

The U.S. administration has done little to woo or even reassure the government of Israel. Apparently they don't feel the need to do so.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Crisis Call

Obama's 3AM Phone Call : Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen,  hillary, obama, israel, jews, crisis, double standard, anti Israel, settlements, west bank,
Before he was elected, cynical doubters questioned how a President Obama would react to crisis phone calls at 3AM.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Uh Oh!

 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, technology, smartphones, mobile, telecommunications, memory, brain, shuldig, mobile,

We are outsourcing our brain's work to our phones!!!

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Syrian Powder Keg

 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, middle east, syria, sunni, shia, shiíte, war, terror, islam, muslim, peace,

A passing thought.

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Friday, January 24, 2014

Antisemitism in America

kirschen, Dry Bones cartoon: Jonathan Pollard, Pollard, america, Israel, antisemitism, Jews, injustice, pardon, antisemitism, american jews,Jonathan Pollard agreed to wave his right to a jury trial in return for a lighter sentence.
And they screwed him.
End of story.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

the War

 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, syria, iraq, sunni, shia, shiíte, war, terror, media, islam, muslim, peace,

A major world war is going on and we are on the side-lines. "Sectarian violence" is the code word for the bloody and explosive religious war between Sunnis and Shias. A war that none of our leaders or reporters dare name! Wow!

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jpost Announcement

kirschen, dry bones, dry bones cartoon, jerusalem post,dry bones haggadah, dry bones,award, bonei zion, nefesh bnefesh, jews, jewish

Yaakov Kirschen, "Jerusalem Post" cartoonist, wins Bonei Zion award

Longtime Jerusalem Post cartoonist Yaakov Kirschen, whose daily strip Dry Bones has run in the paper for four decades, won a 2014 Bonei Zion (Builders of Zion) Prize on Monday for his contributions to Israeli culture and the arts.

Kirschen, 76, was born in Brooklyn and contributed to such publications as
 Cracked and Playboy before making aliya in 1971 and beginning his run writing and illustrating Dry Bones in 1973. According to Nefesh B’Nefesh, a private organization that runs Israel’s immigration operations in North America and conferred the $10,000 prize, Kirschen’s work “has provided a quintessentially Zionist, satirical and unique view of Israel to the world.”

“I can’t think of an honor that I value more,” Kirschen told the
 PostMonday. The winners, each of whom was awarded the prize for “encapsulat[ ing] the spirit of modern-day Zionism by contributing in a significant way towards the State of Israel” in his or her field, are those who “fulfilled the Haggada’s injunction of ‘next year in Jerusalem,’” Kirschen said. “We are the people who took that seriously and came here and helped to build a society, and therefore, being recognized for what I tried to do for forty years makes me very happy.”

Jerusalem Post
 columnist and solar energy pioneer Yosef Abramowitz was also recognized by Nefesh B’ Nefesh for his work in the technology sector.

Calling Abramowitz “the founding father of Israel’s $20 billion solar market,” the aliya organization stated that the American immigrant “embodies positive and powerful hasbara (public diplomacy) as his efforts showcase Israel – and by extension the Jewish people – as a compassionate driven provider of renewable energy development for the betterment of the world.”
“It is a great honor to be recognized as a leading ‘technology entrepreneur’ in the Start-Up Nation,” Abramowitz said. “Anglo immigrants play leading roles in the continued building and transformation of the Jewish state.  In that spirit, my wife Susan and I are contributing 10 percent of the Bonei Zion Prize for the benefit of refugee relief in Israel.”

“I want to congratulate each of the winners of the Nefesh B’Nefesh Bonei Zion Prize for their remarkable accomplishments and important contributions to the State of Israel,” Nefesh B’Nefesh cofounder and executive director Rabbi Yehoshua Fass said in a statement. “We hope that accentuating the achievements of Anglo olim will serve as a catalyst to inspire others to make aliya as well as highlight the achievements of these olim who are helping to make a difference to our homeland.”

Nefesh B’Nefesh also awarded the Bonei Zion Prize to four other Anglo olim for their contributions to Israel.

Leket Israel founder Joseph Gitler was recognized for his organization’s community and nonprofit achievements distributing discarded food to approximately 140,000 needy people each week. Rabbanit Malke Bina of Matan received the prize for revolutionizing women’s education in Israel. Prof. Jefferey Hausdorff, a professor at Tel Aviv University and Director of the Neurodynamics and Gait Research Laboratory at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, was honored for his contributions to science and medicine. Lt. Nira Lee was awarded for her leadership in the IDF coordinating humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Prof. Shimon Glick of Ben-Gurion University also received the Lifetime Achievement award.

The recipients of the newly launched Bonei Zion Prize were chosen by a committee who selected them out of a pool of over 200 nominated olim.

Each of the award-winners will receive $10,000 in a ceremony in Jerusalem sometime in the next two months.

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Monday, January 20, 2014

Syrian Update

 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, syria, sunni, shia, shiíte, war, terror, islam, muslim, peace,

Political correctness evolves and morphs into new fascistic controls on our language. ZPG (zero populations growth) used to be a politically correct goal. Then it became racist(??!?) and today you just don't hear the phrase.
Like the Religion of Peace.

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Friday, January 17, 2014

Blurting out the Truth

 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, israel, kerry, palestine, map, jews, arabs, peace, talks, negotiations,

The U.S. administration has stopped denying that there is a problem between it and the government of Israel.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Plant a Tree

Dry Bones cartoon: On Tu B'Shvat We Plant Trees For Future Generations.
Today is Tu B'Shvat the Jewish "New Year" of the trees.
* * *
This would be a good time to check out my book: Trees ...the Green Testament, the front page story it made, and the special pdf edition you can buy at our webstore (or get for free when you buy a Dry Bones Passover Haggadah).  Just visit:

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Moving Fast

 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, israel, peace process, kerry, palestine, talks, jews, arabs, peace, talks, negotiations,

The obvious and the not so obvious.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Year of the Trees

Dry Bones cartoon: On Tu B'Shvat We Plant Trees For Future Generations.
Tu B'Shvat is the Jewish "New Year" of the trees. On Tu B'Shvat we plant trees For future generations. Tu is the number 15 in the biblical numbering system (which uses the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet). B' is Hebrew for "in". Shvat is the current month in the Hebrew calendar. So Tu B'Shvat simply means the "15th of Shvat".
This year Tu B'Shvat falls on January 16, 2014, this coming Thursday.
I chose this "golden oldie" because it illustrates what I believe is a basic Jewish attitude. The blending of short-term pessimism and long-term optimism . . . packaged with a Judaic compulsion to heal the planet.
*      *      * 
This would be a good time to check out my book: Trees ...the Green Testament, the front page story it made, and the special pdf edition you can buy at our webstore (or get for free when you buy a Dry Bones Passover Haggadah).  Just visit:

*     *     *

For a complete rundown on Tu B'Shvat (sometimes written in English as Tu BeShvat or Tu Bishvat or...) check out Jacob Richman's awesome Tu B'Shvat site.

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Haaretz Review

kirschen, dry bones, dry bones cartoon,haaretz, haggadah, passover, dry bones haggadah, dry bones passover haggadah, jews, jewish
Just in! A Review in Haaretz:
A Haggadah even for 'tallit-wearing lesbians'
Veteran creator of 'Dry Bones' cartoons creates a 'guidebook' relevant for Jews of every stripe and every generation.
By Judy Maltz | Jan. 8, 2014 |
The Talmud? Or perhaps the "Book of Zohar"? Do the Jews really have a secret book, and if so, what is it?
Not only do they have such a book, posits veteran Israeli political cartoonist Yaakov Kirschen, but its identity is more obvious than most would think. “The secret book of the Jews is the Passover Haggadah,” he states. “It’s a book that is a script for a ritual, and every year at our spring festival, when everything is reborn, we sit down with our families and take out this secret book, which is really a guidebook on how to teach the next generation who we are, who we were and who we will be.”
The creator of “Dry Bones,” Israel’s longest-running political cartoon strip, has now lent his own personal touch to this secret book of the Jews in his newly released “The Dry Bones Passover Haggadah.” Each page of this brand-new, self-published Hebrew-English Haggadah is framed by graphics and "Dry Bones" cartoons, many featuring the beloved character of Uncle Shuldig. Its structure, says Kirschen, is modeled on the Talmud, with the main text appearing in the middle of the page and surrounded by commentary – in this case, various elements of contemporary relevance and wit in the more than 3,000-year-old story of the Exodus from Egypt.
In one cartoon, for example, God tells Moses that not only has he picked the Jews to be his Chosen People, but that he will also give them the commandments so that they can be a light unto the nations. “And will this win us the love of the other nations?” asks Moses. “Listen," responds God. "Two out of three is not bad!”
Kirschen's objective, he explains, was to create a Haggadah that would be relevant for all types of Jews, and for every day and age. “After 40 years of commenting on events of the day, I’ve now done a work that will speak to the next generation and the generation after, whether they be black-hat Haredi extremist reactionaries or tallit-wearing California lesbians,” as he puts it.
Born in Brooklyn, Kirschen moved to Israel in 1971 and several years later began working as a cartoonist for The Jerusalem Post, then Israel’s only English-language daily. "Dry Bones" has since been syndicated in dozens of newspapers in the United States and Canada. In recent years, Kirschen also created a popular blog that provides a behind-the-scenes look at his daily cartoon strips. What prompted the 75-year-old to make his own signature Haggadah?
“It was several things that came together,” he explains. “First was the 40th anniversary of doing 'Dry Bones,' which I started on January 1, 1973. To mark this anniversary, the Israel cartoon museum did a retrospective of my work, and there were other awards. Suddenly, it seemed to me that 40 years is a memorable thing, and I should be doing something to celebrate as well. I realized that I do cartoons for people based on the news, but the news keeps changing and life goes on, and 'Dry Bones' would like to talk not only to people today, but to comment on the Jewish experience of the past and to talk to generations coming after. The only way to do that is to talk to them when they’re sitting down at the Passover seder because that’s the one time they’re all together.”
To finance the project, Kirschen launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. His intention was to raise $5,000, but he ended up with four times that amount. “And it cost us more than four times that amount to see the project through because we underestimated the job,” he adds.
His main miscalculation was to assume there was only one official English translation of the Haggadah. “Every translation out there is different, and none of them are strictly accurate,” he explains. “So I decided the first thing I needed to do was to get a strictly accurate English translation, and that turned out to be insanely difficult.”
After the book was completed (“We had it totally proofread by extremist religious people who made sure every dot was in the right place and everything was totally traditional and kosher”), Kirschen had to figure out the best way to sell it. “We decided we didn’t want to go to an Amazon, printed in China sort of deal,” he says. Instead, hoping to give the venture more of a family feel, he and his wife set up their own mom-and-pop shop online (, which allows them to fulfill orders directly from their Herzliya home. (Close to 700 copies of the 1,200 printed in the first run have already been sold, he adds.)
“We produced this as a family, Passover’s a family holiday, and the Jewish people happen to be one big family. That’s why we chose to do it this way – something from our family to yours,” he says.
Visit the Store at:

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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ariel Sharon

kirschen, dry bones, dry bones cartoon,Israel, sharon, israel,history
And so Ariel Sharon passes into history.

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Friday, January 10, 2014

African Migrants

kirschen, dry bones, dry bones cartoon,Israel,africa, migrants, tel aviv, demonstrations, refugees
The waves of Africans doing anything to get into Europe, desperate to find a higher standard of living then in their own countries are also hitting Israel. They were refugees when they got to Egypt. Then they left Egypt in search of a way into the only country in the region with European standards, both economic and humanitarian. So now it's our problem, and whatever we do, somehow the Media will show us to be the bad guys.

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Thursday, January 09, 2014

Kerry's Plan?

 Dry Bones cartoon, kirschen, israel, kerry, palestine, map, jews, arabs, peace, talks, negotiations,

a nagging question.

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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

A Think Piece

kirschen, dry bones, dry bones cartoon,Israel, west bank, settlers, palestinians, occupation, jews, double standard, peace
In the jargon of newspaper editors today's offering is called a "think piece." "

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Monday, January 06, 2014

Deaf to Our Pleas

Free Jonathan Pollard, Obama, President, : Dry Bones cartoon.
Deaf to our pleas for mercy and calls for decency and justice!

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Friday, January 03, 2014

New Year's Resolution

New Year, 2014,afghanstan, iraq, iran, syria, libya, egypt, afghanistan, obama, america, uncle sam,: Dry Bones cartoon.

Happy New Year to us all!

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Thursday, January 02, 2014

It Could be Worse

kirschen, dry bones, dry bones cartoon, cartoon, jews, king solomon, pessimism, optimism, jewish, israel,
For years I've used King Solomon and his adviser to represent the government of the modern Jewish State as it faces the modern reality.

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Wednesday, January 01, 2014


kirschen, dry bones, dry bones cartoon, cartoon, jews,  peace, war, 2014, new year, boycotts, Israel, shuldig
Starting the New Year with Doobie the Dog.

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