They use different names in different places. But they are all the same. They call themselves Hamas, Islamic Jihad, ISIS, The Moslem Brotherhood, Boko Haram, Al-Shabab, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Abu Sayaf, etc. They and their crazed Lone Wolf followers around the world are driven to attack and destroy us.
If you are a Jew, or a Christian, or a modern secularist, you and your community are their target.
What is it that they want to destroy?
What is it that unites us?
Trees, the Green Testament" answers those questions.
It reminds us of who we are and what they want to destroy.

You can get your copy of
"Trees, the Green Testament"
order your copies directly from us (for me to autograph and for the LSW (Long Suffering Wife) to then shlep to the post office to mail to you).
Trees makes a wonderful gift, an inspiring read, and comes with our love and best wishes.
BTW, for info on how to make a donation click on antisemitism, generations, graphic novel. trees, History, holiday gift, Israel, Prophecy, The Green Testament