Thursday, January 19, 2023

The UN is AntiIsraelIte

Dry Bones cartoon,Israel,Help,U.N.,HashemiteKingdomOfPalestine, antiIsraelism, antisemitism, WesternCivilization,

Meanwhile, on a very personal note:
I've been in a rented house in Herzliya Pituah for the past 22 years, but unfortunately, the rent has increased to a point where we can no longer afford it. We (the LSW and I) are in a difficult situation and we need your help. As you know, Dry Bones cartoons have been a powerful voice for the State of Israel and the Jewish people for decades.But now, my family and I are facing a housing crisis and it's becoming harder and harder for me to focus on my work. Can you help us in this time of need? We are looking for a kind-hearted fan who can provide a 5-room house or apartment with wheelchair access on a long-term basis for us. It should be a place where we can live and work comfortably, where I can continue to create and post my cartoons. This would be a significant contribution and would allow us to continue creating my powerful cartoons without worrying about our housing situation. If you are able to help, or know someone who can, please reach out to us.Write to us at:

Thank you
Yaakov and the LSW.

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