Meet The Enemy
Inside every enemy of Western Civilization is a deep hatred of Israel.Which Side Are You On? If you're an "Israel lover", YOU'LL WANT A DRY BONES COMMEMORATIVE MUG TO REMEMBER What HAPPENS NEXT! These commemorative mugs are a keepsake to hand on to the generations that will follow us, and proof that YOU were a witness at this historic turning point in the history of Israel and of the Jewish people in the Jewish State in their Promised Land.
(shown below is the first varient . . .the Land of Israel)
Land of israel mug
Land of israel Large mug
Land of israel Mega mug
.(Shown below is the other varient . . . the People of Israel)
People of israel mug
People of israel Large mug
People of israel Mega mug
Labels: 2023, America, antiIsraelism, antisemitism, Bibi, Biden, Democracy, Dry Bones cartoon, Israel, lapid, mugs, Netanyahu, Politics, trump, WesternCivilization
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