Friday, December 30, 2016

He's Not Ready to Go Quietly

Dry Bones, Obama, President, America, new year, 2017,transition, He wanted just one more term!

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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Aleppo Refugees

Dry Bones, Israel, Obama, UN, Aleppo, refugees, Security Council, President, America, settlements,Palestine, veto,The world is upside down, and Obama's final days as President are both loony and dangerous.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Fun Time for Obama

Dry Bones, Israel, Obama, UN, Security Council, President, America, settlements,Palestine, veto, Presidents have feelings too, just like the rest of us, and this is time for Obama to have fun.
And he's not finished yet!

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Monday, December 26, 2016

Obama's Sinking Ship

Dry Bones, Trump, Obama, UN, Security Council, President, America, settlements,Palestine,According to Vox:
Obama just took a parting shot at Israel — and Trump — at the UN

"President Barack Obama has decided to go out with a bang: In a stunning diplomatic rebuke of Israel, the United States on Friday abstained on a controversial United Nations Security Council resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory, allowing it to pass easily.

By abstaining — instead of vetoing the resolution, as the United States has reliably done to similar measures for decades — the Obama administration allowed the highly symbolic measure to make it through the chamber.

It was the first time in nearly 40 years that the Security Council has passed a resolution critical of Israeli settlements. It was also a firm rebuke of both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who had strongly argued against it, and President-elect Donald Trump, who had taken the highly unprecedented move of weighing in Thursday and pressing for the measure to be vetoed. The measure demands that Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem,” and declares that the establishment of settlements by Israel has “no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law.” -more

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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Watching Europe

Dry Bones, BDS, Europe,Radical Islam, terror, terrorism, terrorist attacks, Hanukka, Chanukah,Christmas,ISIS,
The World's resolve seems to be crumbling. Europe seems lost. Meanwhile, in English-speaking countries Dry Bones is committed to battle the antisemites. If you can, please join the Dry Bones 36 who each donate $3,000 to our battle against BDS. If you are unable to join the 36, please give what you can

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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Learning Hebrew

Hebrew, course, discount, pre-holiday, learn Hebrew,Today only, I can offer you a huge pre-holiday discount (almost 30% off!) on the revolutionary "Dream Team" Hebrew course.
Sign up for just $19/month (and with a free 7-day trial too) before the discount goes away: 
 Learn Hebrew Faster with the "Dream Team" Huge Discount + Free Trial


 You don't even have to decide about the course now. The free trial means you have 7 days to check it out. Decide AFTER you see what the course is about. You will already have locked yourself in to the lower price should you continue. Fair enough? Sign up for the free trial here:
 Learn Hebrew Faster with the "Dream Team" Huge Discount + Free Trial

 Here is what makes this course so special:
 1) A free 7-day trial so you can see if it is right for you before you pay anything;
 2) A price that is just a fraction of what other places charge;
 3) Innovative teaching that can help you learn Hebrew (much) faster;
 4) Prerecorded classes that you can view any time you want and as often as you like;
 5) Learn at your own level (since there are 4+ years of classes online and more on the way);
 6) You can cancel at ANY time. And you can rejoin later and pick up where you left off too.
  Learn Hebrew Faster with the "Dream Team" Huge Discount + Free Trial

 Competing courses cost over $100/month. If you are serious about learning Hebrew now is your chance to make serious progress for 1/5 the price of other courses. It all starts here:

 Learn Hebrew Faster with the "Dream Team" Huge Discount + Free Trial

All the best, 
 Dry Bones
P.S. Remember, the huge discount of almost 30% on this special Hebrew course ends after midnight TONIGHT (US time). Lock in the lower price by signing up for the free trial. And please send the signup link to your friends too:
  Learn Hebrew Faster with the "Dream Team" Huge Discount + Free Trial

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Monday, December 19, 2016

It's What We Want

Dry Bones, fake news,  news, newsman,
It's what we want!

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David Friedman

Dry Bones,David Friedman, Trump, ambassador, Israel,Jerusalem,U.S., America, negotiations, Palestinians, We've tried to convince the world that we want a negotiated solution with our enemies for so long that we don't know how to deal with an ambassador who publicly backs a fully Israeli position.

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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Legacies . . .His and Ours.

Dry Bones,Obama, Syria, Aleppo, 36, Lamed Vavnikim, Red Line,

Yes, Aleppo is Part of Obama's Legacy

* * *
So now, maybe, it's time to think about OUR legacy. Yours and mine.

As you know, my Dry Bones cartoons fight against antisemitism and BDS. I distribute these Dry Bones cartoons through many channels, at no charge to you and to my other readers, but the operation costs me an annual $100,000. So how, I wondered, can I find this annual $100,000? I then thought of “the 36”. The Lamed Vavnikim. Let me explain. Medieval Jewish mystics wrestled with a baffling question; “Given the wickedness of humanity and the cruelty of the world, why doesn’t an angry Creator simply destroy his creation?” Pouring over both Biblical and “hidden” texts they deduced that in every generation there are 36 people, hidden from view, whose righteousness prevents the divine destruction of our world. In the Hebrew numerological system, the two Hebrew letters Lamed and Vav, written as a word, represents the number 36. And so the hidden righteous “thirty-sixers” who save the world are called the Lamed Vavnikim.

So how will I raise our annual budget of $100,000?
The answer is simple. But the search is difficult. I need to find my Thirty Sixers. . . . my “Lamed Vavnikim”. Thirty Six righteous people who would each give $3,000 a year to help turn this often wicked world into “a better place” (Tikun Olam).

It'll be YOUR legacy.

If you can and will become one of my Dry Bones 36 (Lamed Vavnikim) by joining this special group, just click on this Link.

If you are unable to join the 36, please give what you can.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Gift of Jewish Continuity

Haggadah,Dry Bones Haggadah, Chanukah,Passover,continuity,Jewish culture,continuity,The Dry Bones Haggadah is a super gift for Chanukah!

Check it out at

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Trump Stumps his Friends

Dry Bones,Tillerson, Trump, Secretary of State,  Tillerson?

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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Ha Ha Ha and Ho Ho Ho

Dry Bones cartoon: Christmas, Hanukka, Santa, Santa Claus, Jewish, religion, holiday,
This year the first night of Hanukka is December 24th (Christmas Eve). More than ever important to understand that Hanukka is NOT the Jewish Christmas! Just as Christmas is NOT the Christian Hanukka.
They are two wonderful and different winter holidays of two sister religions.

BTW a great, meaningful, and really classy gift for either occasion (Hanukka or Christmas) is the fabulous Dry Bones Passover Haggadah.
Check it out at

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Monday, December 12, 2016

Life in Jewish America: The Cultural Traitor

Dry Bones,Israel, Trump,Zionist,President,America, American Jews, elections, politics,Are American Jews in mourning?!!
Below is a piece by Joanna Hershon from the Anglo-Jewish newspaper, the Forward:
Why Trump’s Victory Makes Me Fear For My Family

My parents are good people. They made me feel safe while I was growing up; they’ve supported my goals and shared in my greatest joys and pains. They are loyal friends, phenomenal grandparents, philanthropic, well-traveled and well-read. They raised not only me but also my mentally disabled brother. You probably know where I’m going with this. They both voted for Trump.

We’ve barely spoken since the election.

The emails fly back and forth between my mother and me (my father doesn’t communicate over email; he’s old-school like that) and though I try to remain calm in the face of the emails, rife with well-researched right-wing positions, I usually devolve into yelling or tears, and end up writing or saying the same thing: How could you?

It’s not as if their votes for Trump (not in a swing state, thank God) were a huge shock, but I’d held onto some pathetic hope that they hadn’t fully crossed over. My father didn’t reveal his vote in the last two elections, but I know that my mother — after agonizing — voted for Obama. I wasn’t raised in a Republican household. My parents’ migration to the right seemed to take on real fervor in the post-9/11 Neo-Con heyday. They’re both passionate Zionists, active in AIPAC. Their love of Israel is matched by an equal fear of Muslim extremism. When I’ve expressed that I, too, love Israel, and I, too, fear Muslim extremism (as well as every other kind of extremism), they seem to look at me askance. As if I couldn’t possibly understand what is at stake.

About a decade or so ago, it became too explosive and upsetting whenever my husband and I touched on politics with my parents, and I finally declared ours a political discussion-free relationship. I argued that no one was getting any younger, that we had to preserve our bond and — perhaps most important — our children’s bond with my parents. There was no room for screaming fights anymore. No leaving restaurants. No driving away. None of us had the stomach for it anymore.During the lead-up to this election, the political elephant tromped around the room whenever we were together. I thought it could be contained, especially because we certainly had good reason to believe that Hilary would win. The Donald would live on for many of us, as a reminder that xenophobia is alive and well in the USA, but also that Alec Baldwin is a comic genius.

The morning after Election Day, I snapped. I sent the first of many emails. Where we live in Brooklyn, people are actively mourning; it’s as if there had been a death in everyone’s family on November 8.

In the days since the election we’ve heard about the uneducated bigots, the misogynists and xenophobes— “the deplorables.” These are fellow citizens; they voted and were counted.Coming together and railing about ignorance and hatred is a natural way to blow off steam, to denounce bigotry and commune as like-minded individuals in the quest between good and evil. It’s not that I don’t want to participate in these dialogues and peaceful protests; I have, and heartily, but I’m left with a racing heart, a private despondency and incredulity (my parents!). My parents are hardly deplorable. I love them. And yet, I cannot reconcile their reasoning.

Have I mentioned we are Jewish? Have I mentioned that my mother speaks about Jewish values with passionate and sacred belief? I was raised to understand the importance of social equality; the Holocaust offered us a lens through which to see the world. I hear American Jews like my parents reassure themselves that someone like Steve Bannon isn’t an anti-Semite (Alan Dershowitz says so!) and I fear this segment of American Jews is gravely missing the point. How on earth, I wonder, does being “pro-Israel” excuse this new kind of anti-Semitism, this alignment with an “alt-right” culture? Their candidate has risen to power celebrating anti-immigrant, misogynist, anti-LGBTQ, anti-Muslim and, yes, anti-Semitic rhetoric. How can this be excused?

My mother has sent me article after article about anti-Semitism in leftist circles, anti-Semitism on college campuses. I believe these are serious problems. But what will my parents have left of their Jewish values if they identify with those on the far right, whose positions they downplay or even excuse in the name of support for Israel?

Trump and his team used tactics straight from the Führer’s playbook, and I don’t see how anyone — Jew or otherwise — can be remotely comfortable with that. In the wake of Trump’s victory, and the legitimization of this “alt right,” I fear for the safety of the most vulnerable members of our society. I fear for the future of our planet and I fear the irresponsibility of climate change deniers; I fear for the loss of Jewish fellowship.

I fear for my family.

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Friday, December 09, 2016

This time its a "farce"

Dry Bones,Israel, BDS, boycott, Israel, Karl Marx, history,We've seen these Nazi anti-Jewish boycotts before,
which reminds me of a quote by Karl Marx:
"Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice.
He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce."
* * *
Meanwhile Dry Bones continues our search for Thirty Six righteous people who would each give us $3,000 a year to help turn this often wicked world into “a better place” (Tikun Olam).

If you can and will become one of our Dry Bones 36 (Lamed Vavnikim) by joining this special group, just click on this Link.

If you are unable to join the 36, please give what you can

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Thursday, December 08, 2016


Dry Bones cartoon: Happy Hanukka,  festival of lights, Hanukka, Hanukkah, Chanukah, Chanukkah,Hanucca, Holiday, Jewish, Jewish Culture, religion, Christmas, Xmas, Santa, Santa Claus,
This year the first night of Hanukka falls on December 24th, Christmas Eve.

At a time when Jews and Christians are both the targets of Islamist terrorism around the world, it seems appropriate that we share a feeling of togetherness. It also seems appropriate to emphasize my strong opposition to Christian missionary attempts to convert Jews. This holiday season we should celebrate the joy of our sister and separate religions and so it gives me great pleasure to wish all Jews a hearty Happy Hanukka and to our Christian brothers and sisters a joyous and Merry Christmas.

* * *
BTW a great, meaningful, and really classy gift for either holiday is the fabulous Dry Bones Passover Haggadah.
Check it out at

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Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Whisky Tango Foxtrot

Dry Bones,Israel, BDS, boycott,Federation, US Jewish Federation,Judea, Samaria, West Bank, territories, The Jewish Federation ends its boycott of us ??!? The story is : HERE
* * *
Meanwhile Dry Bones continues our search for Thirty Six righteous people who would each give us $3,000 a year to help turn this often wicked world into “a better place” (Tikun Olam).

If you can and will become one of our Dry Bones 36 (Lamed Vavnikim) by joining this special group, just click on this Link.

If you are unable to join the 36, please give what you can

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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Coming soon!

Dry Bones cartoon: Happy Hanukka,  festival of lights, Hanukka, Hanukkah, Chanukah, Chanukkah,Hanucca, Holiday, Jewish, Jewish Culture, religion,
Hanukka, Hanukkah, Chanukah, Chanukkah,Hanucca, . . .

Every year, for the past 43 years of doing the daily Dry Bones cartoons, I face the same mind-cracking question; how to spell the name of our eight-day Festival of Lights!
The Hebrew word Chanukah (or Hanukka, Hanukkah, Chanukka, Hanucca,) means dedication and it celebrates our re-dedication of our Holy Temple in Jerusalem after its having been defiled by the Syrian/Greeks occupiers. This year the first night of Hanukka ( Hanukkah, Chanukah, Chanukkah,Hanucca,) is December 24th. Have a happy!

BTW a great, meaningful, and really classy gift for the occasion is the fabulous Dry Bones Passover Haggadah.
Check it out at

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Friday, December 02, 2016

Tweets and Chats

Dry Bones,media,FDR, Trump, President,Twitter, Fireside Chats,America, Are Trump's direct tweets to the public something new?

Dry Bones,media,Trump, FDR, Twitter, Fireside Chats,President,America,

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Thursday, December 01, 2016

Views of Trump

Dry Bones,Israel, Trump, Ambassador,Zionist,President,America, Is he a dangerous demagogue or the right guy at the right time in the right place?
Clearly America, the Jews (and possibly the whole rest of the world) is split on the question.
Meanwhile the American media ignores the Islamist motivation of "Lone Wolf" attacks and antisemitic BDS and BLM movements continue to spread unabated.

Advice for Trump

Dry Bones,Israel, Trump, Ambassador,Zionist,President,America, Once upon a time we could assume that a Jew would naturally support the survival of the Jewish State. Once upon a time we suspected all Christians of being secret antisemites. Well, those days are gone forever! Here's hoping that President Trump appoints a dedicated Zionist to the post of Ambassador to Israel, and that does not necessarily mean a Jew.

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