Thursday, February 25, 2021

Berl Katznelson

Dry Bones cartoon, Zionist Series, Katznelson, Jewish, Socialist,Another hero in the Dry Bones Zionist Series: Berl Katznelson.

He was deeply committed to maintaining Jewish values and was one of the few voices in non-religious labor circles to press for the observance of the Sabbath and festivals, dietary laws in Histadrut kitchens, and the circumcision of children in the kibbutzim.

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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Signs of Peace

Dry Bones cartoon, 2021, Judo, Tel Aviv,Saeid Mollaei,Iran, Israel,Mongolia,Signs of Peace: Saeid Mollaei, Former Iranian Judo Champ Competes in current Tel Aviv Grand Slam Judo Competition.
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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

History is Being Rewritten

Dry Bones cartoon, 2021, History,History Is Being Rewritten Faster Than It Can Be Written, Or So It Seems.
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Monday, February 15, 2021

The First Clue to a Biden Future

Dry Bones cartoon, America, Biden,Presidency,Netanyahu, Israel, phone call,When I was a kid in Brooklyn, when someone said something that was already obvious to everyon else. Someone would say "No kidding?, Sherlock" (sometimes the reference would be to Dick Tracy). That's the idea/source of today's cartoon.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Happy Mullahs

Dry Bones cartoon, America, Biden,Trump,America, Antisemitism,Presidency,Obama, Iran,With Trump out and the Obama crowd back in , the Iranian Mullahs must be overflowing with optimism.
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Sunday, February 07, 2021

Get Your Shots

Dry Bones cartoon, Coronavirus,vaccine,Black Market, Covid-19, Big Pharm, 2021,Is a Black Market in Vaccines lurking in our future? or will Big Pharm market to the world?!
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