Sunday, May 31, 2020


Dry Bones cartoon,Jewish,Israel,Zionists, Zionism, Jabotinsky, WW1, series,Another in my new Dry Bones cartoon series called "The Zionists".
Today's offering features Ze'ev Jabotinsky.
Stay tuned for more.
Let me know what you think about them...
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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Happy Shavuot

Dry Bones cartoon,Shavuot,Israel, Mount Sinai, holiday,Hag Sameach! 
Erev Shavuot is Thursday May 28, 2020
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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Abba Eban

Dry Bones cartoon,Arabs, Peace,Israel,Zionists, Zionism, Abba Eban, series,This is the third in my cartoon series called "The Zionists".
It features Abba Eban.
Time to remember some of the lessons we, and they, learned . . . Way back then.
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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Golda Meir

Dry Bones cartoon,Arabs, Peace,Israel,Zionists, Zionism, Golda, Jew Hatred, series,This is the second in my cartoon series called "The Zionists".
It features Golda Meir.
Future cartoons in the series will feature Ben Gurion, Jabotinsky, Abba Eban, and others.
Let me know what you think about them..

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Monday, May 25, 2020

Theodor Herzl

Dry Bones cartoon,pandemic, Zionists, Zionism, Herzl, assimilation, series,Today I'm beginning a new series of cartoons. I call it "The Zionists" . . . a Series.
I'm kicking it off with the father of modern Zionism; Theodore Herzl.
The cartoon carries an amazing quote about assimilation from Herzl (a former assimilated Jew himself.)
Future cartoons in the series will feature Golda, Ben Gurion, Jabotinsky, Abba Eban, and others.
Hope you'll find them interesting.

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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Special Appeal

Dry Bones cartoon,donate,This is a special appeal
If you are at all able, please consider helping us with a donation.
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1. Write a check to “REPORT, Inc.”
2. Write a cover note stating that these funds are to be directed to Dry Bones Project. Mail the Check and the accompanying cover letter to:
 PMB 225 1121 N. Bethlehem Pike, Ste 60
Spring House, PA 19477 U.S.A.

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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Happy Jerusalem Day

Dry Bones cartoon,Jerusalem Day, Yom Yerushalayim,, COVID19, Israel, holiday,Happy Jerusalem Day May 21-22 2020
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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Abu Dhabi mercy flight to Ben Gurion Airport

Dry Bones cartoon,Iran, Israel, COVID19, Coronavirus, UAE, Abu Dhabi,Iran condemns UAE mercy flight bringing COVID19 aid for Palestinian Arabs via Ben Gurion Airport.
Calls the flight from Abu Dhabi "treachery" and "betrayal".
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Israel and Iran: Cyberwar!

Dry Bones cartoon,Iran, Israel, Cyber attack, cyberattack,According to the Washington Post
On May 9, shipping traffic at Iran’s bustling Shahid Rajaee port terminal came to an abrupt and inexplicable halt. Computers that regulate the flow of vessels, trucks and goods all crashed at once, ­creating massive backups on waterways and roads leading to the facility.

After waiting a day, Iranian officials acknowledged that an unknown foreign hacker had briefly knocked the port’s computers off­line. Now, more than a week later, a more complete explanation has come to light: The port was the victim of a substantial cyberattack that U.S. and foreign government officials say appears to have originated with Iran’s archenemy, Israel.

The attack, which snarled traffic around the port for days, was carried out by Israeli operatives, presumably in retaliation for an earlier attempt to penetrate computers that operate rural water distribution systems in Israel, according to intelligence and cybersecurity officials familiar with the matter.

A security official with a foreign government that monitored the May 9 incident called the attack “highly accurate” and said the damage to the Iranian port was more serious than described in official Iranian accounts.

“There was total disarray,” said the official, who spoke on the condition that his identity and national affiliation not be revealed, citing the highly sensitive nature of the intelligence. A U.S. official with access to classified files also said that Israelis were believed to have been behind the attack.

The Washington Post was shown satellite photographs depicting miles-long traffic jams on highways leading to the Shahid Rajaee port on May 9. In a photograph dated May 12, dozens of loaded container ships can be observed in a waiting area just off the coast.

The Israeli Embassy did not respond to requests for comment. The Israel Defense Forces declined to comment.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Dry Bones cartoon,Israel, government,Trump, Gantz,West Bank,settlements, coalition,
New Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi says that the Trump Peace Plan is an historic opportunity to shape Israel's future.

The FM is a member of Gantz's Blue and White faction.

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Monday, May 18, 2020

A New Government

Dry Bones cartoon,Israel, government,Bibi, Gantz,Knesset, coalition,
Israel has a new government. It is a bloated, lumbering, patchwork creation, and we wish it well.
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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Jordan Tries To Stop Trump

Dry Bones cartoon,Israel, Trump,Jordan, Judea, Samaria, Peace, Palestinians,
The King of Jordan threatens Israel with violence if we implement Trump's peace plan.
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Thursday, May 14, 2020

America versus China

Dry Bones cartoon,Israel, China,America, In the middle again?!
America just told Israel to stop all investment in Israel by China ...whether in high tech companies or infrastructure.
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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Staying in Lockdown

Dry Bones cartoon,pandemic, Life in the Time of Corona,Coronavirus,lockdown, Life In The Time Of Corona!
This 82 year-old cartoonist is staying home in lockdown.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Is It Over?

Dry Bones cartoon,pandemic, Life in the Time of Corona,Coronavirus,lockdown, Life In The Time Of Corona!
What's happening?
What happened?
Was it all a nightmare dream?
Are we now awake?
Are we still asleep? Is it over?
Will we get hit by a second huge wave?
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Happy Lag BaOmer

Dry Bones cartoon,Lag BaOmer, holiday, Jewish, Rabbi Akiva, plague, Lif in the Time of Corona, coronavirus, COVID 19,Happy Lag BaOmer (said to be the day that the plague that had killed 24,000 of Rabbi Akiva's students ended!)
Stay Safe in 2020.
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Monday, May 11, 2020

Iranian Friendly Fire

Dry Bones cartoon,Iran, war games,Gulf of Oman, Iranian ship hit by mistake in "friendly fire" mishap during Iranian war games in the Gulf of Oman,
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Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Anti Israel NYTimes

Dry Bones cartoon,COVID19, coronavirus, Israel, IDF, NYTimes, The NYTimes, In a piece about the IDF fighting the coronavirus, says that Israel's defense force is "best known for pioneering cutting-edge ways to kill people and blow things up."
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Please help us fight both Jew-hatred and apathy to the genocide of Christians
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Friday, May 08, 2020

Iranian Cyber Attack Thwarted

Dry Bones cartoon,Iran, Israel, Cyber attack, cyberattack, water, According to the Times of Israel:
"Iran attempted a cyberattack on Israeli water infrastructure late last month, with hackers using American servers to carry out the breach."

Shabbat Shalom to us all.
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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Stepping out of Lockdown

Dry Bones cartoon,pandemic, Life in the Time of Corona,Coronavirus,lockdown, Had to go out for a minor medical procedure. Hope to be back to lockdown cartooning tomorrow.

Love to you all!
Stay Safe!

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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Still in Lockdown

Dry Bones cartoon,pandemic, Life in the Time of Corona,Coronavirus,lockdown, The pandemic is not over, they just have more room at the hospitals now.

Don't trust anyone under 60!

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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Giving Tuesday

Dry Bones cartoon,GivingTuesdayNOW,Today is GivingTuesdayNOW.
If you are at all able, please consider helping us with a donation.
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Sunday, May 03, 2020

Dry Bones cartoon,Jewish American Heritage Month,holiday,America,Jews, Jewish,Jewish American Heritage Month.
An annual observance since May 2006
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Friday, May 01, 2020

While you were in lockdown

Dry Bones cartoon,pandemic, Life in the Time of Corona,Coronavirus,casual Syria,lockdown, Hezbollah,missiles,The war for Israel's survival continues.
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