![pneumonia, sick,](https://www.drybonesproject.com/blog/D19317_1.png)
Okay gang, so here's what happened; The calendar rolled around to March 7 (the day before my 81st birthday ) and the LSW (Long Suffering Wife) had surprised me with a balloon, a couple of squeaky toys, and a b'day card. (We've taken to such saccharine rituals in recent years). But the real surprise for me was just how much I've been laid low with a case of Israeli pneumonia ( with stays in two separate hospitals).
Update from the LSW:
Sali, the LSW here: Yaakov had the strength to do the cartoon, but not to finish the posting, so I will fill you in a bit more. He has been in the hospital 3 times in the last month. He has now been home about a week but is on full time oxygen and lots of antibiotics and since he is not strong enough to climb the stairs to the bedroom, he is in a rented hospital bed in the living room and I am sleeping on the couch so there will be someone near him in the middle of the night. The pneumonia turns out to be a
very debilitating sickness. He will be back with you all just as soon as possible. (Getting old is not for the squeamish)
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Labels: donate, Kirschen sick, LSW, pneumonia