Nasrallah's Bunker

"Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah has been living underground for almost five years now, in hideouts that are little known. A fugitive who fears for his life and is committed to his Iranian patrons, he stays deep inside the soil that he claims to have liberated from the Israelis. Nobody knows his whereabouts with the exception of a small group of bodyguards.Senior officials who wish to meet him and even representatives of Iran's Revolutionary Guards do it at a central bunker; Nasrallah arrives for such sessions under heavy security and a veil of secrecy. The views regarding his hideout the rest of the time are inconclusive.
An Israeli intelligence official estimates that Nasrallah leads a life similar to that of a wanted terror suspect in the territories. He sleeps at various sites, meets his family infrequently, and runs his guerrilla empire via decoded technology provided by the Iranians."-more
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