the Dry Bones BlogDedicated To Combating the Willful Rewriting of History and Fighting the Spread of Antisemitism |
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Looney Tunes
According to Fox News:
"UN says Israel, not Iran, North Korea or Syria worst violator of human rights
By Anne Bayefsky
"What country deserves more condemnation for violating human rights than any other nation on earth? According to the U.N.’s top human rights body, that would be Israel.Last week, Israel was the U.N.’s number one women’s rights violator. This week it is the U.N.’s all-round human rights villain. The U.N. Human Rights Council wrapped up its latest session in Geneva on Friday, March 27 by adopting four resolutions condemning Israel. That’s four times more than any of the other 192 UN member states.
Playing at caring about human rights is the U.N. game. And no state does it better than Iran. There were four resolutions on Israel. And one on North Korea -- a country that is home to government policies of torture, starvation, enslavement, rape, disappearances, and murder – to name just some of its crimes against humanity. Four resolutions on Israel. And one on Syria. Where the death toll of four years of war is 100,000 civilians, ten million people are displaced, and barrel bombs containing chemical agents like chlorine gas are back in action. Four resolutions on Israel. And one on Iran. Where there is no rule of law, no free elections, no freedom of speech, corruption is endemic, protestors are jailed and tortured, religious minorities are persecuted, and pedophilia is state-run. At last count, in 2012 Iranian courts ordered more than 30,000 girls ages 14 and under to be “married.”
And what did that one resolution on Iran say? Co-sponsored by the United States, it was labelled a “short procedural text,” consisting of just three operative paragraphs that contained not a single condemnation of Iran." -more
Labels: anti Israel, antisemitism, Human Rights, Iran, Israel, media bias, North Korea, Syria, UN
Friday, March 27, 2015
Woman to Woman
According to Fox News:
"Guess who is the number one violator of women’s rights in the world today? Israel.
At least that is the view of the UN’s top women’s rights body, the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). CSW ends its annual meeting on Friday, March 20 by condemning only one of the 193 UN member states for violating women’s rights – Israel." -more
Labels: anti Israel, antisemitism, Bias, Israel, UN, Women's Rights
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Special Treatment
Join the Dry Bones movement. Help Israel win the cartoon war!!
Labels: Double Standard, Egypt, International Criminal Court, Israel, Settlements, Syria
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Passover Generations
Passover 2015 begins in the evening of Friday, April 3.
The Seder meal is the traditional annual meeting of our generations.
Labels: Continuity, Generation Gap, Holiday, Jewish, Jews, Passover, Pessah, Seder
Monday, March 23, 2015
Jonathan Pollard: two questions
Visit the official Justice for Jonathan Pollard Page:
Labels: America, antisemitism, jonathan, Jonathan Pollard, Pollard
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Join the Dry Bones movement. Help Israel win the cartoon war!!
Labels: Double Standard, History, Israel, Jordan, Judea, map, Occupation, Palestinians, Samaria, transjordan, West Bank
Friday, March 20, 2015
Thursday, March 19, 2015
West Bank Dictionary
Join the Dry Bones movement. Help Israel win the cartoon war!!
Labels: Christians, Double Standard, Israel, Jewish, Jews, Judea, Media, media bias, Palestinians, Samaria, Settlements, West Bank
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
Dry Bones Haggadah
The pre-Passover period drives me crazy with Passover food cravings. THIS YEAR, the LSW (Long Suffering Wife) and I are being driven crazy with filling last-minute orders for the Dry Bones Haggadah. Only a few days left to order from our online store, All Shipments from our online store: will have to be EXPRESS Only (EMS)
But in response to many requests: If you are in Israel the Dry Bones Passover Haggadah is now available in Jerusalem
In Jerusalem at
M. Pomeranz Bookseller- 5 Be'eri St.,Jerusalem
Tel. 02-623-5559
Labels: Haggadah food, Holiday, Jewish, Jews, Matzah, Passover, Pessah
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Get a Dry Bones Passover Haggadah Now for Your Seder!
The pre-Passover period drives me crazy with Passover food cravings. THIS YEAR, the LSW (Long Suffering Wife) and I are being driven crazy with filling last-minute orders for the Dry Bones Haggadah. Only a few days left to order from our online store, All Shipments from our online store: will have to be EXPRESS Only (EMS)
But in response to many requests: If you are in Israel the Dry Bones Passover Haggadah is now available in Jerusalem
In Jerusalem at
M. Pomeranz Bookseller- 5 Be'eri St.,Jerusalem
Tel. 02-623-5559
Labels: Haggadah, Holiday, Jewish, Jews, Matzah, Passover, Pessah
Friday, March 13, 2015
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Boycott 2015
According to Press TV (the Iranian News Channel):
A decade-old movement for boycotting Israeli goods in the United States is gaining momentum at American universities, a report says.
An increasing number of American students are now joining the Boycott-Divestment-Sanction movement, refusing to sell off stock since January with student governments at some universities taking divestment votes, the Associated Press reported on Saturday. Student governments at five of the 10 University of California campuses have voted for divestment. Two more, Santa Cruz and Davis, did the same, but the votes were thrown out over procedural issues. In addition, divestment has gained, since December, the support of the labor union UAW2865 which represents thousands of teaching assistants and workers for the entire UC as well as the UC Students Association representing student government bodies statewide."- more
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Labels: anti-Israel, antisemitism, BDS, Boycott, Europe, Israel
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Iranian Missiles
According to the Times of Israel:
Iran brings Europe within range with new cruise missile
Move comes at pivotal time in nuclear talks; Israel has urged world powers to include missile program in negotiations. "In a development significant both for its timing and its content, Iran unveiled on Sunday a new cruise missile that it claimed would extend the Islamic Republic’s range by 25 percent, placing locales as distant as Budapest, Warsaw, and Athens within striking distance.The Iranian revelation, complete with videos of a missile launch, come amid Tehran’s negotiations with the six world powers over its nuclear program and infrastructure.
Israel has long urged the negotiating world powers to include Iran’s growing missile-development program within the framework of the negotiations — a demand that Tehran has rejected out of hand."- more
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Israeli Apartheid Week
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We Need Your support.
Labels: antisemitism, Apartheid, BDS, Defamation, Incitement, Israel, Israeli Apartheid Week, Nazi
Monday, March 09, 2015
Changing Times
Join the Dry Bones movement. Help Israel win the cartoon war!!
Labels: Boycott, Christians, Defamation, Israel, Jewish, Jews
Sunday, March 08, 2015
What's in a Name?
Join the Dry Bones Team. For details please click on
We Need Your support.
Labels: Arabs, Double Standard, Israel, Jews, Media, media bias, Peace, Settlements, West Bank
Friday, March 06, 2015
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Tuesday, March 03, 2015
Monday, March 02, 2015
Sunday, March 01, 2015
Two Holidays
Purim in Israel is celebrated on two different days. Thursday in Tel Aviv, Friday in Jerusalem. Why? Don't ask, everything Jewish is complicated. And as for Passover, if you want a Dry Bones Passover Haggadah for your seder this year,go to
The Haggadahs are autographed First Editions. But time is running out, order now.