I plan to return home to Israel on or about November 1st.
Labels: economic crisis, Economy, Halloween, Holiday, News
the Dry Bones BlogDedicated To Combating the Willful Rewriting of History and Fighting the Spread of Antisemitism |
I plan to return home to Israel on or about November 1st.
Labels: economic crisis, Economy, Halloween, Holiday, News
I plan to return home to Israel on or about November 1st.
Labels: America, economic crisis, Economy, Halloween, Holiday, News, TV
I plan to return home to Israel on or about November 1st.
Labels: China, mideast experts, SIGNAL
I plan to return home to Israel on or about November 1st.
Labels: Depression, Economy, Recession, Shuldig
The Arabs are now in turmoil and disarray ...and the Turks and Persians are moving to grab and control the pieces.
Hag Sameah!!
Next cartoon on Monday, October 24.
Labels: Arab Revolt, Arab Spring, Arabs, Berbers, Cattle, Cows, Egypt, Iran, Persia, Phoenicia, roundup, Stampede, Syria, Turkey
The first-ever Israel Studies Program in the history of Chinese universities is about to celebrate the inauguration of its first Academic year. The program was created and established by SIGNAL (Sino-Israel Global Network & Academic Leadership) at the International Relations School at Sichuan International Studies University(SISU) in association with the Center for Jewish & Chinese Studies (CJCS) based at SISU.
I'm proud to have been asked by SIGNAL to be the keynote speaker at the inaugural event at SISU. I am also pleased that SIGNAL has invited me to lecture at universities and think tanks across China throughout the second half of October. If all goes right, as you read this, I'll be heading east to Shanghai, Beijing, Henan and Chongqing.
I expect to be back in Israel on Nov. 1st.
Labels: Asia, China, Civilization, Israel, Israel Studies, SIGNAL
Tomorrow is Erev Sukkot, the eve of this week-long holiday. To browse my previous postings about Sukkot just click on the word Sukkot.
Labels: Holidays, Jewish Culture, Sukkot, tabernacles
The first item was that physicists at CERN had reported that they had observed neutrinos moving faster than the speed of light!! CERN is the European Laboratory for Particle Physics in Geneva, Switzerland and the speed of light is the fastest that anything can move, according to Einstein's theories.
That first CERN news item was discussed in a piece in the Chicago Tribune headlined "Was Einstein wrong?"
"...a cornerstone of Einsteinian theory is that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, about 186,000 miles a second.If that is wrong, and something can outstrip light speed, then 100-plus years of physics — everything from the subatomic to theories of how the universe evolved — suddenly is up for revision. The universe doesn't work the way we thought it did. We don't really know what we thought we knew.
"It would be amazing, everyone would be jumping up and down like crazy," Cal Tech theoretical physicist Sean Carroll told us. "It would certainly be the most surprising discovery in the last 100 years." -more
"Israel last week officially became a formal associate member of the Center of European Nuclear Research (CERN) particle accelerator project, lending the country significant prestige in the global academic and research community......Israel was named one of five countries recognized unanimously as “being worthy” of joining the project. CERN has even ordered parts from Israeli industry and sent experts to visit on a regular basis. It took two years for the final invitation to be received. Israel’s high level of theoretical and practical know-how – much greater than Israel’s proportionate size – was greatly appreciated at CERN and is responsible for Israel’s path toward recognition as a official member..." -more
Tomorrow is Erev Yom Kippur. Have an Easy Fast! Next cartoon on Monday.
Labels: Fasting, Holidays, Jewish Culture, Shuldig, Yom Kippur
Or is there something that I don't understand?
Labels: economic crisis, Economy, Euro, Europe, Eurozone, Germany, Greece, Spain
Now, as back in 1980, we've just had a three-day Rosh HaShana weekend. Shana Tova!
Labels: 1980, 3-day weekend, Holidays, Israel, Jewish Culture, Rosh HaShana, shana tova, Shuldig
Biden: Pollard pardon over my dead body
"The NYT reported Saturday that in a recent meeting between Biden and 15 rabbis in Florida – meant to bolster the Jewish community's support of the presidential campaign – the vice president was asked about the Obama administration's reluctance to release Pollard, who was imprisoned in 1986, after he was convicted of spying for Israel.“President Obama was considering clemency, but I told him, 'Over my dead body are we going to let him out before his time,'" Biden reportedly told the group. “If it were up to me, he would stay in jail for life.” (Ynet)
And more details here:
Biden prevented Pollard clemency, NYT reports
October 2, 2011
(JTA) -- "President Obama was considering clemency for convicted spy for Israel Jonathan Pollard until Vice President Joseph Biden prevented it, the New York Times reported.“President Obama was considering clemency, but I told him, ‘Over my dead body are we going to let him out before his time,’ ” Biden said during a meeting with rabbis in Boca Raton, Fla., according to the newspaper. “If it were up to me, he would stay in jail for life,” he reportedly added.
Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1987 for spying for Israel. He is scheduled for mandatory parole in November 2015. In recent months, Obama has received a flood of appeals from Congress members and former government officials to grant Pollard clemency.
Pollard recently successfully underwent kidney-related surgery.
Obama is relying on Biden for help in his reelection campaign with American-Jewish voters, the New York Times article said." -more
Labels: American Jews, Joe Biden, Obama, Pardon, Pollard, Presidency, presidential campaign, Rabbis