Dry Bones Books
We, the LSW (Long Suffering Wife) and I have published a line of fabulous Dry Bones cartoon books.
1. the Dry Bones Jewish Traditions Holiday Coloring Book,
From the candle lighting of Hanukkah to the munching of Passover, from the honey-dipped apple slices of Rosh HaShana, to the tree-plantings of Tu B'Shvat, this coloring book invites you to color (or just read) your way through the traditions of our Jewish Holidays.
2. Dry Bones Cartoons Fight Back
This is a collection of the Dry Bones cartoons that fight back against the antisemites, the deniers of our history, the anti-Zionists, and the enemies of our JudeoChristian civilization. None are Politically Correct. Most are angry. But if you are a Zionist Jew or a Righteous Gentile, they will bring you comfort, a smile, and a few laughs.
3. Young and Innocent, the way we were
Do you remember Israel the way it used to be? Before we were the "Startup"nation? Do you remember measuring floors by counting the floor tiles? Sniffing the cottage Cheese?
Here's a collection of "You Know You've Been Here Too Long When . . ." and other classic Dry Bones full Page cartoons.
Return with us now to those thrilling (and funny) days of yesteryear when we were Young and Innocent.
4. Trees, The Green Testament
A 208 page Dry Bones Graphic Novel that presents the story of Israel as told by the Trees. It bridges the gap that divides Jews, Christians, environmentalists, historians, Zionists, millennial students, and angry senior citizens. This remarkable book simply overwhelms the reader with its shared message of hope.
You can go to my Amazon author's page to see all our books.
There you can "Look Inside" and if you like them (And why wouldn't you?)
You can buy these and a book-shelf of other Dry Bones books at amazon.com/author/kirschen
In the UK it's www.bit.ly/drybonesbooks
Labels: Amazon, books, Cartoons, Dry Bones, Gift, Holiday, Israel, Jewish, kirschen, Zionist
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