BDS attacks Israeli and American police

A BDS campaign against an exchange program between American and Israeli law enforcement has successfully resulted in the Durham City Council in North Carolina banning exchanges with Israel. The Vermont State Police and police in Northampton, Mass., also withdrew from from a seminar last year in Israel. Robbie Friedmann, the professor who founded the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) back in 1992, blasted the unfair and biased BDS criticism of the exchange program.
According to JNS:
Despite a public campaign by anti-Israel activists to end an American exchange program between with Israel police, two major police associations in Georgia have issued statements reaffirming their support for the program, according to a report by Miriam Elman at Legal Insurrection.The Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) brings senior law-enforcement officials and security officials from Israel and other countries together to learn about the fight against terrorist activities and bombings, and brings international delegations to Georgia to study American policing practices at Georgia State University.
Many graduates of the program responded that they had become better police officers as a result of the experience, yet anti-Israel activists have attempted to thwart the program due to its coordination with Israel.
In 2010, the GSU Progressive Student Alliance and the Movement to End Israeli Apartheid-Georgia partnered to protest the partnership, saying Georgia officers would learn from Israeli “extrajudicial killings, racial profiling of Arabs, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of detainees.”
The BDS-supporting organization Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), began calling the international exchanges between American police officers and Israeli colleagues a “deadly exchange,” and launched a campaign in 2017 against what they term “discriminatory and repressive policing” by both American and Israeli police.
The Anti-Defamation League said, according to the Legal Insurrection report, JVP’s “deadly exchange” campaign “veers uncomfortably close to age-old anti-Semitic canards about Jews using their influence to undermine the societies of the countries in which they live.”
However, the anti-Israel campaign has already resulted in the Durham City Council in North Carolina banning exchanges with Israel. The Vermont State Police and police in Northampton, Mass., similarly withdrew from from an ADL seminar last year in Israel.-more
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Labels: anti-Zionist, BDS, Israel, Jews, JVP, Law Enforcement, self-hating Jews, SJP
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