Monday, March 19, 2018

A New Jewish Holiday?!

Dry Bones cartoon,Aliyah, Olim, Yom HaAliyah, holiday, Jewish, Israel,
A New Jewish Holiday!!
Aliyah Day is celebrated on the 7th day of the Hebrew month of Heshvan. This year that will be March 26. The holiday honors the contributions that newcomers have made to the Jewish State. Happy Aliyah Day!!
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The LSW (Long Suffering Wife) and I LOVE living in Israel and turning out Dry Bones cartoons to defend our maligned little country. But we do this work out of our empty pockets. This means that we are forced to ask fans and followers for help.
To find out how to help us, please go to
We both can assure those who are answering our call that we are grateful for your love and support.
For a Dry Bones Haggadah, Trees. . . The Green Testament, A Plague of Frogs, and other Dry Bones books go to

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