A Perfect Holiday Gift!
I'm sitting here at the computer typing out this blog posting while Sali, my LSW (Long Suffering Wife) is downstairs, packing up packages of books to shlep to the local post office in the morning. With the virtual death of newspapers I, a newspaper cartoonist, have been without any real income for several years.
Sal tends to worry about the possibility of us having to move into a cardboard box on the street. The way I see it, if you're one of our many Dry Bones fans you should do one of two things.One, make a donation (for which we'll be forever grateful) and two, buy a copy of Trees, the Green Testament, (which will also help us, but not as much as a donation) You can get your copy of Trees at http://amazon.com/author/kirschen or order a copy directly from us (for me to autograph and for the LSW to then shlep to the post office to mail to you). http://store.drybones.com/It makes a wonderful holiday gift and comes with my (and the LSW's) love and best wishes.BTW, for info on how to make a donation click on http://mrdrybones.com/donate.html
Labels: generations, History, holiday gift, Israel, Prophecy, The Green Testament, Trees
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