Hi guys! Today is Labor Day in America. Wednesday through Sunday is Erev Rosh Hashana, two days of Rosh Hashana, followed by Shabbat! So I'm thinking of not doing a cartoon for tomorrow. In Israel, this technique of linking non-working days with a day of not working is deeply embedded in our culture. So the next Dry Bones cartoon will be next Monday, September 9th. That doesn't mean I won't put in a full day's work today! It's not Labor Day in Israel. I'll be working with Yehuda (a Website Programmer) and with the LSW ( a Long Suffering Wife). We will be working on our new Dry Bones Store. It's a both a labor of love and an unbelievable challenge. If you have the time check out our Mom and Pop Webstore at
And let us know what you think.
Shana Tova to us All!
Labels: apple, cartoon, Dry Bones, High holidays, honey, Israel, Jewish, Jewish Culture, Jews, kirschen, New Year, Rosh HaShana, shana tova, Shuldig, speech
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