Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy Gays Are Here Again

Dry Bones,cartoon,Israel, gays, Gay Pride, homosexual, lesbian, same sex, Marriage, France, Middle East, Tel Aviv, ,   for:
France’s first gay grooms celebrate honeymoon in Tel Aviv -
Gay Sports News - After becoming the first gay couple to wed in France, Vincent Autin and Bruno Boileau celebrated their honeymoon with 100,000 people at Tel Aviv’s gay pride weekend.
On 29 May 2013 Vincent Autin and Bruno Boileau were the first gay couple in France after the country became the 14th in the world to legalize gay marriage and adoption. According to The Jerusalem Post, French Ambassador Christophe Bigot, who hosted the couple in Israel, said the couple represents the spirit of liberal French people, and he was excited to see them promote ‘tolerance and understanding’ around the world. Bigot said the couple was invited ‘to create new links between France and Israel’- more
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Money Changers in the Temple: Tel Aviv redefines itself as Gay Capital of the World
TEL AVIV, ISRAEL (Catholic Online) - Just over a week ago, François Hollande signed a law which utterly destroyed the concept of marriage as it was known in France since medieval times. Under the law, two individuals of the same sex may now call themselves "married." Vincent Autin, 40, and Bruno Boileau, 29, were the first homosexual couple to get married under the new law. For their honeymoon, they visited Israel. The media followed the couple as though they were celebrities. They were invited to the opening event of Tel Aviv's Gay Pride Month. In honor of the event, the pillars on the Old City Hall were lit up in rainbow colors with trance music blaring from speakers.-more

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