Sunday Mail: March 16, 2008
Item One: Israel's 60th Birthday.
In May 2008, Israel will celebrate its 60th birthday. Here in Israel, on the annual holiday, we hang flags from our windows and attach 'em to our cars. Because I like to buy new ones every year, I'm always on the lookout for something interesting in the way of flags, or bargains on flags. This year I found BOTH!
This year, in addition to the regular Israeli National flag, there's The Official 60th Anniversary Celebrations flag (authorized by the Prime Minister's Office). It's beautiful and is beginning to be hung up around the country already (alongside the regular Israeli National flag). You might want a few of these very special flags to hang in your office, school, dorm, synagogue, etc. The Official 60th flag sells for $49.95 but I found a place where you can get it for only $29.95. To see the flag (and the 40% off offer) click on Official 60th flag.
I'll be getting a set of one 60th Anniversary flag and also one regular Israeli National flag (at the same discount). I think these are going to be collectors' items. To see the "two flags" offer click on Both Flags.
Item Two: the JIB 2008 Awards.
After "sweeping the gold" in the 2007 Jewish & Israeli Blog Awards (story here) I decided not to compete in the 2008 JIB Awards competition, but instead to volunteer to design the 2008 awards and other JIB graphics. Scroll down to see a sneak peek at a banner ad for the awards which you'll be seeing around the blogosphere in a while. To take a sneak peek at the JIB 2008 website, click here or on the ad below:
Labels: Israel, JIB awards
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