Monday, February 03, 2025

Happy Purim 2025

 Dry Bones cartoon, Stroke, Purim, Egypt, Jordan, Palestinians, Gaza,

This is Sali, the LSW posting for Yaakov. Yaakov is recovering from a stoke that he had about a month ago. Thank you all so very much for your good wishes, kind words and very generous donations. We very much appreciate all. You are amazing and wonderful people! Here is a Purim cartoon for you. Yaakov is working hard at his physiotherapy, just as the soldiers in the cartoon are runnng in circles. We are hoping for a better year. Here is a bit of an update. I hope that I will be able to make another blog posting soon. Yaakov has been able to do a few cartoons while he is in the rehabilitation facility that he is posting on He is still extremely weak and not able to talk very well. I bought him a new, HP 17 inch laptop and succeeded after lots of work with our computer guy, of putting Photoshop on it, along with a few other programs that he needs. He is able to write and draw the cartoon, when he has the energy to follow the news, but even with the new computer, the Photoshop manipulation is hard for him. We have a graphic design friend who is helping to do this for him some of the time. Other times, it falls on me to help, and I am not very good at it unfortunately. Also, now that I have been using Yaakov's big computer at home, I see that the monitor is terrible. He never complained but it is a TV and not a real monitor and the resolution is terrible and sometimes the screen goes yellow or green instead of white. I have our computer guy looking for a big used monitor. But until Yaakov will be home, it is not an urgent priority.

Yaakov is in a good mood although impatient to come home. He is always in a good mood, as opposed to me. :) We wish you much joy, and prosperity, and happiness, and health with your family and friends. We are looking forward to a better year ahead, with more Dry Bones cartoons, and to all the hostages being released. The situation here in Israel changes daily. It looks like the fighting could start again soon. Wishing you all good things for you and your family. Blessings, Happy Purim, Sali and Yaakov
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