Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Famous Rock and Roll singers are performing in Tel Aviv

Dry Bones Coloring Book,Amazon, a Yiddish Who's Who,
Summer is here and a string of famous old Rock and Roll singers are appearing in Israel!
To illustrate what's going on I colored in a page from my coloring book "A Yiddish Who's Who (Shnorrers, Shnooks, and Others)".
I had fun coloring it in. You will too! Dry Bones Coloring Book, Check it out at

If you like Dry Bones you'll LOVE coloring the cartoon pages of this book. And if you buy this book PLEASE leave a review at Amazon.
I'll thank you, the LSW (Long Suffering Wife) will thank you, and we'll all have a good laugh at the delightful Yiddishisms.

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