The Thirty Six
As you know, our Dry Bones cartoons fight against antisemitism and BDS. We distribute these Dry Bones cartoons through many channels, at no charge to our readers, but our operation costs us an annual $100,000. So how can we find this annual $100,000? We then thought of “the 36”. The Lamed Vavnikim. Let me explain. Medieval Jewish mystics wrestled with a baffling question; “Given the wickedness of humanity and the cruelty of the world, why doesn’t an angry Creator simply destroy his creation?” Pouring over both Biblical and “hidden” texts they deduced that in every generation there are 36 people, hidden from view, whose righteousness prevents the divine destruction of our world. In the Hebrew numerological system, the two Hebrew letters Lamed and Vav, written as a word, represents the number 36. And so the hidden righteous “thirty-sixers” who save the world are called the Lamed Vavnikim. So how will we raise our annual budget of $100,000?
The answer is simple. But the search is difficult. We need to find our Thirty Sixers. . . . our “Lamed Vavnikim”. Thirty Six righteous people who would each give us $3,000 a year to help turn this often wicked world into “a better place” (Tikun Olam).If you can and will become one of our Dry Bones 36 (Lamed Vavnikim) by joining this special group, just click on this Link. you are unable to join the 36, please give what you can
Labels: 36, BDS, Lamed Vavnikim, the 36
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