The Post Office
Hard to believe that the Postal service both here in Israel and abroad has gotten slower (and more expensive!) over the years.
Why would you send a letter when you can send an email? or post something on facebook? Or tweet your latest thoughts? So the Post Offices in our countries just can't stand up to the competition. Of course if you want to mail somebody a few Haggadahs this means it costs a lot and takes a long time for delivery. So if you want to get your Dry Bones Haggadahs for this coming Passover, you'll have to order now! The LSW (Long Suffering Wife) mails them out from our local post office here in Israel. And then YOUR local snail mail service takes over! Yikes!So if you want to make sure you'll get yours in time, you've got to order now! For details go to
Labels: Haggadah, Mail, Passover, Pessach, Post Office
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