the Plain Brown Box
November 16th will be one year since the close of our successful Kickstarter project to fund the creation of a Dry Bones Passover Haggadah. The manuscript is now done and the work is at the printer. If the events of the past year are any indication, we're in for another wild life-changing and exciting year, and I thought I'd keep you posted on what's going on. The plan is to keep a diary of our campaign to make the Dry Bones Haggadah THE haggadah for Passover 2014-5774, and this is the first diary "entry". It's called the Plain Brown Box.
the Plain Brown Box
I couldn’t understand why such a precious gift was in such a plain undecorated ugly brown box. The lesson was that these holy men had directed all their attention to the product that they had lovingly produced and didn’t waste an extra penny on fancy packaging.
So our Dry Bones Haggadahs will come to you in plain brown boxes along with my hopes that they will find a place in your heart and on your Seder table. So the cardboard cartons, ready to put together are now "Warehoused" in our livingroom.
To Be Continued . . .
Labels: federations, ga, haggada, Haggadah, LSW, Passover, plain brown box
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