Saturday, March 10, 2012

Angels Needed

Letters From Dry Bones Posting a cartoon every weekday leaves no room for me to simply share news, ideas, and other stuff with you, so here's a Dry Bones feature called: 'Sunday Mail: Letters from Dry Bones'.

Letters From Dry Bones

The Dry Bones Project Needs Some Angels!
We've got a blog to write, cartoons to draw, and a new project to save our ancient civilization. So if you appreciate Dry Bones, be an angel and support us.
Instructions for Donors
1. U.S. Tax-deductible donations to Dry Bones Project should be made out to “REPORT, Inc.”
2. Important: Include a cover note stating that these funds are to be directed to Dry Bones Project.
3. Checks and the accompanying cover letter should be sent to:

PMB 309
100 Springdale Road, Ste A3
Cherry Hill, NJ 0800

Pay Pal
To donate to Dry Bones Project
through Pay Pal
click HERE

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