Plant a Tree (2010)
I, like my cartoon alter ego M. Shuldig, get mushy in a Zionist way, at holidays in the Jewish State. Tu B'Shvat is one of those times. And so, through the years Mr. Shuldig has been picnicking on Yom Ha'Atzmaut, "dressing up" at Purim, and planting a tree on Tu B'Shvat, etc.And then there's Doobie. Doobie is Shuldig's dog. He "balances" Shuldig. Doobie's realist/cynical view is a kind of mocking of my own (and Shuldig's) sometimes overly sugary holiday views.
Labels: 2010, Holidays, Purim, Tu B'Shvat, Yom Ha'Atzmaut
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