Hillary in 2012
McCain has said that if he wins he'll be a one-term President ...in which case Hillary is back as a contender in only 4 years.
If Obama wins then in 2012 he'll be the incumbent President and the Democrat candidate.
But if Obama loses, and Hillary does not appear to have sabotaged his campaign . . .
So here's the deal: I'm posting a new cartoon today (Tuesday) and then another new cartoon tomorrow (Wednesday) and then the next cartoon posting will be on Tuesday June 24th.
You'll have to do without a Dry Bones fix for the week of June 16th (unless you're in LA and want to attend an "Evening with Yaakov Kirschen" on behalf of CAMERA at Valley Beth Shalom in Encino CA. If you'd like to attend, the suggested donation is $5, the date is Tuesday June 17 (7:30 PM), and way to book a place is to call Isabel at 818 762 4473 or send an email to isabel@camera.org ...
But you'll have to RSVP by Friday 13th.
Labels: Clinton, Elections, Hillary, Obama, Politics, U.S.A.
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