The Car
Ethanol was supposed to be the solution. Now it's part of the problem?!
According to the Associated Press:
With Food Costs Rising, Ethanol Benefits Now Questioned
WASHINGTON (AP) - "Just months ago, ethanol was the Holy Grail to energy independence and a "green fuel" that would help nudge the country away from climate-changing fossil energy.Democrats and Republicans cheered its benefits as Congress directed a fivefold increase in ethanol use as a motor fuel. President Bush called it key to his strategy to cut gasoline use by 20 percent by 2010.
But now with skyrocketing food costs - even U.S. senators are complaining about seeing shocking prices at the supermarket - and hunger spreading across the globe, some lawmakers are wondering if they made a mistake.
"Our enthusiasm for corn ethanol deserves a second look. That's all I'm saying, a second look," said Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif., at a House hearing Tuesday where the impact of ethanol on soaring food costs was given a wide airing.
In a dramatic reversal, ethanol has shifted from being an object of widespread, bipartisan praise to one of derision, even among some of its past supporters." -more
Labels: Ethanol, Food Prices, Oil, Politics
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