Monday, April 11, 2016

A place for Bernie

Dry Bones cartoon, Kirschen, Dry Bones, Haggadah, Passover, holiday, Pessah, Dry Bones Haggadah, Bernie, Sanders, Bernie Sanders, politics, Pesidenncy, campaign, the four sons,
The purpose of the Passover Haggadah is to teach us how to pass our culture on to the next generation of Jews. The wisdom of the Haggadah is to identify the four types of children that make up that next generation. And the cleverness of the Haggadah is that it recognizes that one of the archetypes we must deal with is those that are "wicked". We don't excommunicate them. We don't pretend that they don't exist. They have their place with us as we gather at our Seders. They have always been with us. They always will.
To understand the secret of Jewish survival get YOUR Dry Bones Passover Haggadah now!
( While supplies last!)

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